Why isn't eventing popular?


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6 September 2009
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Have a look back in CR, there's a really interesting thread about why equestrianism and eventing aren't up there with 'mainstream' sports - can't remember the title of it though, sorry!


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26 March 2009
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Same could be said for Golf and that's on all the bl00dy time :rolleyes:

True, and man is it dull! Golf is mainly blokes, and in eventing there are alot of extremely sucessful women. I wonder if Joe Public assumes riding is for posh people then maybe they take more offence to posh birds than to posh blokes!!


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14 August 2011
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Here here. Always amazes me how well supported eventing events (?!) are by the public, but not reflected on TV. XC was one of the first Olympic events to sell out and we have a fantastic heritage in terms of equestrian sporting events but you'd hardly guess that from press coverage etc. Such a shame. Thank god for horse and country TV or I'd never get my fix!!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I wonder if it's because Joe Public doesn't know what "eventing" means? We do because we're horsey people, but there's no real clue in the word "eventing" is there? A lot of my un-horsey friends need to have a full explanation as to what it involves. Some think it's racing, whilst others think it's showing...!!

Also, despite the BBC covering it (from time to time), it rarely gets mentioned in the news nor in the sporting news. If Zara is competing then maybe it gets a mention. Maybe stronger PR and marketing from the likes of the BE would help...? Answers on a post card.... ;-)


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7 September 2004
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Eventing is a very elitist sport, far more so than golf etc.
As such, only a small proportion of the population ever get exposed to it and therefore follow it or understand it.

Such a shame as I'm a massive eventing fan!


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20 April 2009
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Golf is something anyone can have a go at, down at the local pitch and putt - eventing isn't, particularly. Nor even is riding, just basic lessons at local riding schools are pricey and lots of places don't have a local riding school any more. So I think that's why it's viewed as elitist. Although any sport at a top level is elitist, that's why they call it elite sport after all.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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only a small proportion of the population ever get exposed to it and therefore follow it or understand it.

Not true though, Badders is one of the top three sporting events in the country in terms of visitor numbers! Ok, so every single one of those people might not be up on the details, but they obviously get something out of the day, otherwise they would just be home watching the football/snooker/golf/F1 on the tv!


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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I was talking about this with my instructor who is the son of a 'famous' show jumper, and we were discussing whether it was because the equestrian athletes don't court the press and general public enough?

Speak to anyone 35 and over and they'll know David Broome and Harvey Smith. Back in the day of 3 or 4 channels people used to enjoy sitting down to watch the Hickstead Derby on a Sunday afternoon- horsey or not.

We were also lucky enough to have people such as Geoff Billington and the Whitaker brothers who could entertain the crowd and compete on a serious level simultaneously . Oliver Townend has an element of that, but the only person who I've really seen do this in the last few years is a chap called Matt (i forget his surname) and he was competing in the express eventing at HOYS he was charming, funny, competitive - purely through his riding and I think he won it too! We have some real characters in the sport- if they could show there personalities more then I'm sure the sport would become more popular. I watch other sports because a certain person is competing- its the same thing.

Cant get much more elitist than F1 - not something you can 'just have a go at' and look how popular that is. I used to despise it now they have repackaged the programme with Jake, Eddie and David I now understand it and really watching it

We have exciting thrill seeking sports to watch that are easy to understand with some HOT lady and gentleman riders, 1 glam girl who dates a hollywood film star, another who is Grand daughter to the Queen so we have all the 'tools' as such- the powers that be need to package it better.

A decent Equine sport channel would help too!
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Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I think equine sports need to look at how they present themselves - I agree that people need to understand what's happening, how people win or lose an event, who the people and the horses are etc. Also, I think equine welfare needs to be looked at, in the sense that people need to understand what is done to keep the horses safe and well, like frangible pins, knock-down flags, vet checks, the way they're cared for at home, they way they're transported etc. And as well as human personalities, people need to know about the equine personalities too. Horses like Milton, Red Rum, Desert Orchid, Best Mate - they capture the imagination of the public. Eventing had Tamarillo, but outside of the horsey world, did anyone know about him? Yet by all accounts he sounds a real character, one that people could have really got into. We need more of that.

The BBC did a bit of introducing people to the back story during the Burghley coverage with Mary King, but it was all about her and no one else. I'm sure Mary is lovely, but what about some of the other riders? What about Phoebe Buckley for example? Or Oli Townend? Geoff Billington, Tim Stockdale, Zara Philips, Carl Hester and many others all have stories to tell, why don't we hear about them?


Well-Known Member
21 December 2009
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Because horsey people generally are more of the DO rather than WATCH type?
I certainly hardly ever get a look at my TV ... Apart from 20 mins of breakfast news that is!


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8 January 2010
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As all Equestrian sports suffer from lack of good publicity, wouldn't it seem like common sense for the various bodies (e.g. BD, BSJA, BE, BHS et al) to sit down together and pull together a PR strategy?

By pooling resources they can get more "bang for their buck" and plan something that can start to put these sports back in the public eye.

I accept that some of the equestrian sports are not easy to get into, but there are examples at the top level of people who were not born with a silver spoon in their mouth but with determination and drive achieved great success. By educating people in the finer points and getting back to the heyday of the late '70's /early '80s when we had horses and riders whose names and achievements were recognised by the general public, we may get somewhere.

We also need to help our riders by educating them in the benefits/need for them for PR. I'm not suggesting that they pop up in Hello or OK magazine, but with some carefully planned activity and training this will help their cause as well as that of the sport.

Only once these sports and riders become more mainstream is there a chance for increased sponsorship, which in turn means more coverage on tv and the media.


Loads of reasons. Many non horsey people I know think horse sport is boring. I can't really understand that POV so have to put it down to the fact they don't understand riding at all and have no idea of the dangers or the difficulties involved in piloting half a tonne of horse round a course like Badminton.

There are very few 'visible' personalities in the sport - even if you're interested in it, its very hard to know what goes on behind closed doors. There's plenty of intrigue and scandal in the horsey world but its kept very hush hush to the general public. As such its hard for people to really identify with riders and horses they don't 'know.'

And I think there is a general perception that the horse world is snobby and elitist. Lessons are really expensive, horses aren't cheap to buy or own, let alone competing or anything else. Very few non horsey people will ever experience horses outside of a holiday trek or beach ride.

Sports like F1 might not be accessible, but everyone's been in a car, or can go Go-Karting or something. Anyone can play golf, football, tennis. Riding, not so much - even if you've had a riding lesson or two, you can't really fully appreciate it until you're good enough to go for a canter and a jump, and unless you're pretty committed you won't get that far.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2011
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its annoying the way that we have top sponsors, such as eventings HSBC classics series, rolex and gucci with show jumping and i always see the clothing brand h&m on a few show jumps at big international events. everyone no matter what sport you are into uses these companies.

when frankel was named horse of the year i was watching daybreak on ITV 1 and there was a good 5 min report about football and frankel got about 30 seconds it was literally just "the horse frankel was named horse of the year last night the horse won every race he has ever done" and that was about it. i think a super horse like frankel deserves more than that, this was the same when AP won the grand national he got about a minute and they talked more about the european football league or something, i would find it hard to believe that more people watched that than the grand national, people i know who have never been near a horse watched it even if it was just so they would have a competition between themselves about who would win (even though they just picked the horse they thought was the prettiest)

it does annoy me though, even though its seen as an elite sport we do have some inspirational people eg mary king who traded her prize of whisky from a event for her first wheelbarrow as she couldnt afford one before. she kept her first horses in cow sheds she converted herself and isnt oli townend the son of a milkman?

i think we would have to ask the head of itv or the bbc if we wanted an answer but i dont think ill ever understand whyy


Well-Known Member
6 December 2011
The racecourse
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what also annoys me is the fact that the Queen is so involved with horses eg the household cavalry and the royal wedding was full of horses, and we are having a parade of horses for the diamond jubilee. How can that not give us more coverage?


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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This is the sort of media that IMO does us no favours.

After reading and adding to this thread I was thrilled to see as Equestrian story in main stream press pop up on my Facebook feed.

However one paragraph in even I felt detached from this lady when it starts talking about her millionaire family and I have an interest in her sport. If I had no interest in the story I would have switched off then. I'm all for successful people and have no issue with people spending their money as they wish - non of my business, but if Equestrianism is going to appeal to everyone we need to move away from the rich mans sport /toff idea, and try to appeal to everyone.

At Badminton i saw a short interview with a traveller girl who was competing with her one and only horse, and I've seen interviews in H&H of the non professionals riding at the top level and riding at 4am to make it happen- these are the people that the public will relate to.

Heres the article- what are your thoughts?



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29 August 2009
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I know so many people who think "Oh, it's horses, it's boring" I show them eventing (mainly the XC) and all of them have been very excited by it! (usually now-ex-boyfriends!)
I tell them about the danger, the possibility of death (Not my reasons for watching, seems to get the boys interested though), the speed, the power, the height, the distance...and they love it :D

Shame not more is broadcast :( I don't get Horse and Country, so youtube is my only horsey fix!


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19 August 2008
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The trouble is anyone can go and kick a football about, or take up golf and kid themselves they could be the next big thing. With riding, you can't do that. Within a year or so (if you have afforded the lessons, as unlike footballs/ golf clubs you can't pop out to your local Intersports and grab yourself a horse...) you will realise you need your own horse to succeed. Then, as you get better you need more lessons with better people on better horses with better facilities which cost thousands and thousands every year.

Let's face it, it's a demoralising sport if you're involved let alone as a newcomer.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I also think riders need media training.

For example, after Badminton (well I think it was Badminton) there was a debate on here to do with riders patting or not patting their horses at the end of the X-C phase. Some people disliked it, others thought that it didn't matter.

The thing is, this kind of thing does matter when you're trying to attract a wider audience. The general public wants to know about the partnership between horse and rider. I'm not suggesting that there should be some edict issued about how many times a horse must be patted, but riders need to be aware of the PR issues - they are in the public eye, so they need to know this so they can make an informed decision. I got media training in my job, it took an afternoon, so there's no reason riders shouldn't get this too IMO.


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25 November 2005
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The general public tend to like horses, but not horsey people! Racing is popular, but it is simple to understand, first past the post wins! Same with show jumping in the good old days when it was on TV a lot.

Badminton does get a mention on the radio, and is often introduced as the largest audience - but then it is at Badminton which has the space and well, look at the posh surroundings. Isn't that one of the attractions of eventing though? Getting to visit lovely venues that ordinarily aren't open to the public.

I think there should be a lot more media coverage when good things are happening, but for all the reasons stated above, it is never going to be as popular as driving, football, rugby or even golf.