Well-Known Member
She stands all camped out. Back legs too far back and front legs quite far forward but standing square?
Rocking horse stance would usually be laminitis in all four feet, colic or back pain.
Think we can rule out laminitis as she had her feet done yesterday and no signs. She is more camped out behind than in front. Will suggest she gets the vet.
My horse has this stance if he has a bit of mild gassy colic. I've also witnessed him and a friends horse with colic walk very strangely in an effort to alleviate the pain.
My horse has this stance if he has a bit of mild gassy colic. I've also witnessed him and a friends horse with colic walk very strangely in an effort to alleviate the pain.
This. Is the stance a bit like the gelding wee stance? Mine used to do this all the time when being brought in, and I thought he was just trying to pretend to wee to stop being brought in as a way out of work. But he used to get mild bouts of gassy colic, and eventually I joined the dots. He is now on a lot less grass than he used to be, I think this is the most likely option if he does it coming off grass.
Yep - said on first page in my first post...good to see it's not just me..
Sorry lunch nearly over and was in a rush so didn't read all the replies.
Sorry GG, your response was too wordy for me so I didn't make it to the bottom