will it be alright if....


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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Rright, Ebi and Willow need some more grass, so ive decided that they will have to go into Chantins field and Chantin can go back out to play with Flighty and Krunchie. It also means that Sasha will have to come up to the yard.
So Willow is 7weeks old, do you think it will be alright to introduce Sasha to her
Sasha was great when she took over the looking after of Chantin when she was weaned all those moons ago. Shes 19 and really wants an easy life. Sasha and Ebi are best of friends, but havent been together since the beginning of June when Ebi was brought in ready to foal.
Do you think this is too early to put another horse in with Ebi and Willow? they will have 2 fields to wander in, 1 approx 2 acres (the new one0 and then another at about 1 1/2 acres.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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IMO only if Sasha has her hind shoes removed! Could you not separate them with tape? I have a feeling from earlier conversations, that you will want to keep Sasha's shoes on - yes?


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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i can seprate them with tape if necessary, i just thought that as Sasha is the best out of my group it would be best to introduce her first.
with regards to shoes, its not a problem to remove her hinds them if necessary. Mum isnt riding her as much as we expected (sashas happy about that) so i cant really see a problem. Farrier is also coming out on the 25th so could always get him to remove them and just re shoe in front.
im thinking (scary i know) but i cant remember Sasha ever kicking out at Chantin when she was put into the group at 4 months old but its still a wise idea to remove them.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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As Willow has not had any company, other than her Mum and as Ebi is a maiden, it may be best to introduce Sasha by initially keeping some tape between them - that way ebi won't feel threatened!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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Cheers SN, that was a worry i had. She has horses/pony all the way round her field but obviously they cant get to her or Willow.
Had major problems with 1 pony on the yard. I have to walk Ebi and WIllow through a field that is split into 2 fields, 1 part has 1 pony in, the other has 2 ponies in. Well first pony was a complete and utter twat this morning. She ran up up to Ebi, as mum was fastening the gate, and it just went to double barrel her so she could get to Willow. Ebi obviously retaliated and went for it. Neither of them caught each other, but it really wound Ebi up and she just carried on down the field on her back legs. It really wound me up this morning - deserves repremanding for its bad behaviour, but the owners dont so why should I. It is so evil (and the owners wonder why its on its own), however its never done anything like this to Ebi or Willow. Oh yes and i cant even catch it to get mine into the field cos its a cow to catch!! The other 2 are geldings and just follow at a safe distance (really good lads) and then wait at the gate once ive let my 2 off.
this is the other reason im opening up a new field to Ebi and Willow so its easy for me to get my horses in without this mare kicking off everytime we walk through.
well what i might do is section the field off and put Sasha in one bit then when farrier has come on 25th ill look at introducing them together.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2006
Dumfries & Galloway
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Let us know how you get on. I have 2 mares which have been together for 11 1/2 years now and are very very close. I'm sure the younger of the 2 thinks the older one is her mother as they've been together since she was a yearling. I am considering breeding from the younger of the 2 but have wondered about how the one that won't have a foal will react. Will she be jealous, will she try to steal the foal or even worse attack it or would she just ignore it. I'm interested in how you get on introducing your's,