Winching rescue................. praying!


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2 September 2011
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An amazing group is having a winch delivered today to try and save one of their horses........

Poor Chilli was rescued nearly dead and has taken a turn for the worse, we are all watching from afar with bated breath and praying for a good outcome.

I have tried to post a picture of Chilli here but not sure how to, if you use the facebook link above to see him you will see what I mean... astounding!!!!




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2 September 2011
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Yes, all of us too... just waiting for Suz and Claire to post the latest... when he is up he looks quite alert so really praying that the extra rest the winch will provide will be enough to get him back on his feet permanently. These horses all seem to 'crash' within a week of being rescued although CRR manage best out of the various rescue groups, I think largely because they have much more equine experience than any of the others - fingers crossed for darling Chilli xxxx


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2 September 2011
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I know you cant quite believe that most of them (especially the pyramid horses) are still alive they are so horrifically emaciated. I support ESMA as well who was the only charity feeding the horses for months and months (sadly ESMA have all but bankrupted themselves doing this and they have over 600 cats and dogs in their shelter as well) ... but - goodness - the pictures from those feeding days, never in my life have I seen such terrible pictures!

The Continental girls are fab though and thankfully know how to feed an emaciated horse.........

Lovely Chilli is such a sweetheart as well, the pics of him in his stable filled to the brim with hay/straw bedding break my heart as well.

thanks for your support Suz and Claire are thrilled that people are interested and supportive of their work xxxxx


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2 September 2011
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GREAT NEWS - Chilli is much better today and on his feet eating, the winch is being made as I type and will definitely be needed for their future rescues as well.... these horses are so weak from starvation they can barely stand so any medication etc that makes them even slightly drowsy means they are on the ground in no time :(

But for the moment anyway Chilli looks like he is, again, on the road to recovery. They are trying very hard to get a sad bay horse with the HUGEST saddle sore you will ever see in your whole life - his withers are literally SPLIT OPEN from it ........

Fingers crossed he comes home with them on their next rescue trip to Cairo xxx

Rose Folly

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29 June 2010
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WendyMc - thanks for putting up this amazing post. I've been onto the ESMA website and they are really impressive - and not just horses either. I've sent them a cheque tonight and I hope others will too as they sound in desperate need. You can send money by Paypal or by cheque to the account they hold with HSBC at 6 Northbrook Street, Newbury, Berks RG14 1DJ (the charity's account is 81868349 and the sort code is 40-34-12).

With all that's going on in Egypt it's not surprising that animal welfare is low on the list of priorities - but the horses in particular will be vital to income and employment when things eventually start to improve. And as for the dogs.....


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2 February 2011
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Ive been watching Chilli,Cinderella and the other horses and they are doing an amazing job. It amazes me that some of those horses are still alive and the love and dedication is second to none.


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2 September 2011
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Hello and thank you Rose Folly, its great that someone else knows about ESMA as well ♥

Can I just mention though that its best to send donations to ESMA via Paypal (Animal Diplomacy) as the Government are being very sticky about sending money from UK bank accounts at the moment - have you heard the Gov has just banned all imported dog and cat food as well, all the shelters that use dry foods and kitten formula etc are going to really suffer, everyone is in utter shock today...

With regards CRR are A M A Z I N G and do the most fantastic work with their rescues, you really do see how experience pays off !



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2 September 2011
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I thought I would supply this information about CRR as it shows exactly what the girls are trying to do in Egypt xxxx

The mission began with Cleopatra, a little grey mare now affectionately known as Cleo. Cleo was rescued by stable owner and founder of the rescue, Claire Dunkerley and her husband Mohammed. They found Cleo in a desperate state in the Giza pyramids area of Cairo. It quickly became clear that without their intervention she would continue in her pitiful existence.

Claire immediately set about rescuing Cleo. Upon further inspection, it was uncovered that she had three gaping wounds on her back, that were grossly infected and deeper than your index finger. She was still being ridden - how is questionable as even the lightest touch on her back would leave her flinching. Furthermore, it turns out Cleo is also pregnant.

Claire, along with Susan Richards-Benson, began the process of rehabbing Cleo and getting the word out about her condition. Her pregnancy has complicated the process of bringing her back to full health, as we are limited in what medicines we are able to give her.

Continental Rescue and Rehab couldn't have a better beginning than with Cleo. We hope that you will join us in following her journey back to full health.

Cleo will eventually be joined by other horses in desperate need of help. We aim to pick up desperate cases not only from Cairo, but from throughout the rest of the country too.


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2 September 2011
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Hi Everyone that is following the story of Chilli........

Latest update from the fab CRR girls :_

It's hump day! Or here in Egypt just one more day until the weekend. This weekend we'll be heading to the Busy Bees Nursery with Ali Baba for all the kiddies to get to meet one of our rescues and see his progress. Ali was taken to the last flea market and he is an absolute star with the kids. We're excited for everyone to see the amazing progress he has made in just a short amount of time. And for the update everyone is waiting to hear: Chili sends his warmest neighs to everyone on facebook. He's perkier today and I'll be heading down to the barn in a few hours to get updated pictures for everyone, and hopefully show the winch in action!

I will post a further update from Suz, once she has been to the new barn xxxxxx


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26 March 2002
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Thanks for posting this , it made me send a donation to SPANA which I support last night, so thankyou and keep up the good work. There are so Many animals in need of help and these poor ones in Egypt are getting more aid thanks to you publicising. Well done.


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2 September 2011
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Hi Milanesa

We love SPANA as well and I donate monthly to them, they do such fab work, plus they were the ONLY charity that came to ESMA's aid to feed the Pyramid horses last year, even though we begged and begged The Brooke to help. SPANA rock.

Will have new pictures of Chilli later and will upload them here.



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2 September 2011
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for those of you following Chilli's rescue here is the latest update from Egypt and the link to FB if you would like to see all the pictures of this wonderful horse with such fighting spirit ♥

Good afternoon everyone! I am back from the barn, and happy to report that thanks to the very generous support we received we have gotten almost the whole winch together. The only thing missing is the frame, which is being custom made to ensure that it is appropriate for horse use, and not simply a few things of wood thrown together. I have uploaded the album where you can see the harness and winch itself, Mohammed had gone to pick up the frame by the time I left the barn - so this is good news for Chili!!

You'll notice he also has two new stable mates, 2 very sweet little goats. Chili seems happy to have the extra company, and although he was lying down again today after just a few "clucks" of my tongue he got up of his own accord, and with minimal wobbling! Tonight he'll be able to use the support of the harness which should only further help in speeding up his healing process. ♥