New User
Hi, new here! I'm a Brit who grew up with horses in the UK but I now live in Australia. I find things a little different here... especially the approach to veterinary care. Anyway, recently my horse got very stressed (a long story) and ran around like a madman and when I got home he had exacerbated a pre-existing windgall. He is a 6yr old OTTB and the windgall occurred about a year ago when he was behaving like a kite on the end of a lunge rope in a too-deep sand arena. I have never been too concerned about it as it has never caused lameness and apart from being unsightly was not causing any problems. Cut to last Monday and I got home from work and the windgall is massive and there is fluid on the back of the pastern. I took him to a well-respected horse vet (spent time at Rossdale's in Newmarket) to have it ultrasounded. Didn't find too much except on the leg with the windgall there were changes to that tendon sheath, a bit of thickening which was not present on the other leg. All other structures looked fine both horizontally and vertically. Vet couldn't tell me if it was a new injury or the old injury that had been aggravated. He opted to push all the fluid into the pastern, drain it out (about 30mls!), inject corticosteroids and rest horse until Christmas. The leg looks perfect and so far (6 days) has not refilled. I am walking him gently for about twenty mins per day and he is turned out (I don't have stables anyway) with a retired companion mare.
My question is this: has anyone has experience with draining windgalls? If so how long did they take to refill and did they refill to the same size or was it lessened? Was there any benefit at all? I am very skeptical as I have always been told there is no point draining windgalls as they will pop straight back up. I have some Back on Track wraps on order and am using DSMO and feeding MSM - really hoping for a positive outcome.
Any anecdotes about windgalls welcome!
My question is this: has anyone has experience with draining windgalls? If so how long did they take to refill and did they refill to the same size or was it lessened? Was there any benefit at all? I am very skeptical as I have always been told there is no point draining windgalls as they will pop straight back up. I have some Back on Track wraps on order and am using DSMO and feeding MSM - really hoping for a positive outcome.
Any anecdotes about windgalls welcome!