Well-Known Member
My 9 year old ISH mare has developed a windgall like swelling about a month ago on the inside of her near hind.This in itself was a bit strange as she hasn't done any hard or fast work over this summer and for a month before she was only lightly hacked, I reckon this must be the result of some shenanigans in the field!). There is no heat in it and it's pretty small (swelling is no bigger than 1 inch at it's widest point). I have cold hosed it and she is not sore or lame at all but the swelling has not reduced at all. Vets advice is to keep an eye on it as it's obviously not causing any trouble at the moment. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and if the swelling did eventually go? I'm a bit blank as although I've had horses for over 20 years I've never had any leg problems on any of them so went into melt down panic!