Windsucker / Cribber?


Well-Known Member
8 March 2006
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Thanks to all who replied!
Maybe the people have told me wrong?
I saw the horse and he was wearing a collar. They said he only windsucks when he can grab hold of something i.e. a door, wooden fencing etc. He then sucks in which is accompanied with a grunting sound. They get round this by putting him in an electric fenced paddock and his stable has a strip of electric tape across the door. Also he is fed food on the floor and not in a bucket because he'll grab the bucket and suck?
They called it windsucking?


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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that's crib biting, widsucking is the same but they don't hold onto anything, just arch their neck and gulp down air. I don't know why people think windsucking is better than cribbing (except for the damage to the wood), I have a cribber and he hardly does it at all as long as he wears his collar, gets plenty of turn out and always has things to keep him occupied in the stable, feed ball, massive haynet, likits, apples in the water, etc