Working a horse with spavin


Well-Known Member
9 November 2006
N. Ireland
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Need some help. Horse aged 7 (good show jumper/eventer)diagnosed with spavin last May has had tildren and turned out, brought in 8 weeks ago and x rayed again 3 weeks ago. Vet has said looks good but to give him 1 bute a day and work him to try to irritate the joint and get it to fuse. No other signs of joint deterioriation. Poor horse is so bored he doesn't want to do anything he hates flat work wants to jump but they have said no, also no tight circles etc. so lungeing is out. He hacks on Sat and Sun and is in better form then but during the week it is getting dark so cant get out on roads. Going to get him a tonic (thought - restore) and see if that helps his general form. Need to put some fun in his life or it is going to be very long winter for him. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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I do schooling with poles on the ground to keep my horse interested. I randomly scatter them around the school and pop her over them I also circle around them but obviously no good for your boy! Trotting and canter poles may also be an idea. I would also think about long-reining him as well to add variety, I also do ground work with mine but this is to improve her manners but you may find he appreciates it as a bit of a change.
Then just hacking as much as possible, do you have access to off road hacking? So even when it is a bit dusky you could go out.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
11 November 2005
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my mare was diagnosed with spavin in her right hock in 2002, she was turned away over the winter and then we brought her back into work.
she is going better than ever, competing at unaffliated dressage and we are about to afflaite her BSJA, she has not had a days lameness since she was diagnosed and TBH you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with her. we went to the trailblazers SJ finals last summer getting into the JO on both days!
she also has navicular in her front feet.


Well-Known Member
9 November 2006
N. Ireland
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That is great for you, it would appear the your horses joint has fused naturally. We have not been so lucky yet! This is what we hope will happen soon but it is the boredom for him at the moment that I am looking for something to keep him interested and yet not interfer with the fusing process. It could happen quickly or it could take a couple of years before he is back to normal.