I always thought you should go easy on your horses for a day after worming, but people on our yard go out competing the day after, what do you all think?
Hmm I have been told this too. Not sure how much truth there is in it- I tend not to work them hard on the same day but wouldn't worry unduly about going sjing or similar the next day. Might be different it you were hunting or eventing but perhaps there is nothing in in. I would be interested to know!
I was always advised to rest them afterwards, and I wouldn't compete the day after - why would you worm the day before a comp - surely you would want them at 100%?
I would prefer to give them following day off and keep them in, we have in the past had a few colic after worming with a certain brand of wormer (very fit sj ponies) so tend to err on the side of caution.
Keep them in so any worms dispelled dont go back onto paddocks!