I have a jeffries stamford WH saddle and have done absolutely everything with it, hunting, showing dressage jumping, hacking, its more secure than a dressage saddle but still straight cut - which was what I needed, I love it wouldn't have another saddle.
WH saddles have got flatter knee rolls than GPs so they show off the horse's shoulders. I've got WH saddles on both of mine as they are cobby and have large shoulders. A GP would restrict their movement too much.
I do everything e.g. jump, dressage, hack and show in my WH saddles.
if they're straighter cut, would they be much better to use showing than a GP? Like coloured classes, not just WH? I absolutely adore my close contact jumping saddle, but I can't see it being appropriate for showing!
A WH would probably be better than a GP for showing. I haven't done WH class yet - just equitation!
This is Meg in a WH saddle - you can see her large shoulders and the straight cut which frees them up. I find it easier to sit in than a pure showing saddle as there's a bit more to grip with the legs!
I love my working hunter saddle. I jump, dressage and show in it, it looks smart enough and is easy to jump in. Is majorly comfy too, mine was made to measure but based on the DH samber