working pupil interview... help!


Well-Known Member
3 March 2006
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iv got an interview hopefully next week!
iv told them that i have taught 1:1 lessons with friends younger children at the yard, and that i used 2 work in a riding school,
they want to interview me, and possibly let me teach part/all of a! im ok with people i know, but i havent taught or helped to teach in years! i used to when i was about 14, in beginner lessons!

so what im asking.. can people please give me a hand thinking of a sort of lesson plan, id imagine for a 30 min lesson, with people who are doing the basics, walk trot canter, no stirrups etc, poss trotting poles and a small jump..
help would realllly be apprieciated!
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Well-Known Member
25 May 2006
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What works well for some lessons I've watched, is 3 loop serpentines, as they are good on one level for steering and accuracy but also can be good for changes of bend. Also work without stirrups is always a winner, nothing quite like it for improving balance, on second thoughts maybe no stirrpus isn't such a good idea if u don't know the horses??


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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I wouldn't try and cram in in 30mins - W,T, C, no stirrups, trotting poles &amp; a jump - be pointless as you can't warm up properly for jumping with no stirrups.

For a 30min flatwork lesson, say working on position/no stirrups.

Warm the ride up as a whole in walk &amp; trot, circles, serpentines, figures of 8 etc, change the rein. Let ride come back to walk, or keep the ride at a trot on a 20m circle. Then from lead file, leave the ride, go large, canter in next corner, poss straight onto 20m circle then go large, then back to trot to rejoin the ride. Once everyone's cantered - if you've got time, you can do both reins.

Bring them back to a walk, ask if they've done no stirrups etc. Take up no stirrups in the walk, assess them, get them thinking about position, then go up to a trot.

Jumping wise:

warm them up, maybe not doing serpentines, circles still good. Working in jump length from the beginning. get them standing up in stirrups folding forwards &amp; down for jump postiom, offering advice as you go. Then up into trot, rising at first in slightly forward seat. Then poss light seat, no rising down long sides, rising on short sides. Change rein etc, usual. Then up into canter, one at a time.

Trot poles out - let them come down in rising trot, one after the other. Say "once person goes past A or C - next one start coming. Then no rising trot over poles. Put it up to small x-pole, make sure everyone's ok

Hope this helps

ETS: is this the same place you asked if anyone knew or somewhere else?


Well-Known Member
3 March 2006
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yeah it is the same place, i rang up, and they are gonna ring me back to tell me when my interview is! hopefully they wont make me teach a whole lesson, we'l see! fingers crossed!