Working with horses in Canada!


New User
9 November 2015
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Not new to the forum but has been ages since I've used it/been on it. I'm posting here first.

I'm really hoping to get a working holiday visa to Canada next year. I'd love to work with horses if at all possible but here in the UK I haven't for a while, I'm trying to do internet research but I'm not the best at it, most horse 'work' is those holidays where you pay them to go and work for like 4 weeks, which would be cool but I'd like to be in Canada for at least 6 months and would probably like paid work.

I guess I'm asking if any Canadians on here (any part of Canada) know if there are jobs about and for someone who isn't the best rider but happy to do lots of grunt work. Obviously I'd like it to be fun too if I go so considering doing a boring job and interspersing with horse type excursions in between. I'm at the beginning of my research(but at the end of the age bracket) so exploring all avenues as it were.

Many thanks in advance for any kind of input

Will probably build up to posting on the main forum in the week to see if anyone else has done it themselves.



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11 December 2004
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Hi, do you have any idea what area you want to go to, Canada is a bit big! (It has just taken friends 5 days to drive across)

BC is warm and wet (think Britain) but with pretty hills and bears. Alberta has BIG hills and is colder (but you could go the Stampede if you timed it right) absolutely FORGET Sask and Manitoba (they aren't called the Prairies for nothing) Ontario and beyond, distinct possibilities. If I wanted to do a 6 month stint then I would head for BC/Alberta (far more interesting than ON) Newfoundland/ New Brunswick etc beautiful, but would only be seasonal as most of the time the weather sucks big style.

Do you want to work with western horses, hunter jumpers, on a ranch, in a barn, private groom?


New User
9 November 2015
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Thank you so much for the reply. I think there in lies my problem really have no idea where is best but those tips give me a good place to start. I haven't worked with horses for a while so I don't think I'll be particularly desirable to people, though I'm hard working. I also want it to be fun if I'm there. I've worked a little with ex racehorses and own one so I guess there is an option too? I think working in a barn would be the best option for me possibly? I'm just not sure the best place to stay looking.

This is where I don't know if I should get just some kind of bar job and try to see if I can enjoy horses in between of that makes sense? I would absolutely love to learn to ride western that is something that appeals to me a lot.

I need to see if I can find anyone who has done anything similar or any useful forums? If you know any?

Where is it you're from? I guess if I stayed a year I could do seasonal in the good weather then other work/travel in the off season.

Thanks again for the reply as you can see I'm a bit all over the place haha!!!