Worming programme


Well-Known Member
18 October 2011
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I have recently moved to a new yard where they have a yard worming programme in place. I didn't know this when I moved there.

However, after worming our lad when we first got him i the Autumn, we have since had worm counts done, which came back zero, and comments of "lovely healthy poo". (Someone we know)

Problem is, YO knows only that he wants everyone to worm at the same time with same wormer, which is pointless if the horse doesn't need worming and I don't really want to use chemicals when they are not needed.

How do I tactfully approach him about this. I have tried to speak to him, told him about the test, but he says we all have to worm at the same time.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2006
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Your worm count does not show up encysted red worm or tapeworm, so you do need to chemically worm you horse a couple of times a year (autumn/spring for tapeworm and mid winter for ERW) anyway.

I actually would not want to be on a yard where everyone was not on the same worm program. Worm Counts are not 100% reliable as it is only a very small sample of one part of the poo (don't know if you've ever seen worms in a dropping, but they do not spread themselves out evenly). If the YO is not in control of the worming program, then if one persons horse has worms and they do nothing about it (which happens) then it is pointless the rest of you worming as you get them back as you are not breaking the cycle.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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At this time of year, assuming the wormer being used is to tackle either tapeworm (only reliably tested for using blood test, tho they can sometimes be seen in worm counts but not enough to rely on that) or encysted redworm (which doesnt show up on wormcounts either v well), then I would say def go along with the mass worming, as even using wormcounts these two need to be treated for over the autumn to spring period, unless for tapeworm everyone has blood counts.

Other times of the year ideally worm counts would be used but YO have access to the results and everything get wormed appropriately that needs it.

It is a tricky aspect with livery yards tho. YOs are scared of being accused of not fulfilling responsibilities if they dont worm everything as if one horse then has a problem and that hasnt been done, fingers might get pointed whether justified or not.

But in this case, at this time of year, if they are suggesting something like Equest for redworm or equitape for tapeworms then thats absolutely right.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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Give your yard owner this weeks copy of Horse & Hound. Make him read the article about redworm and be in doubt that there is more to worming than mass dosing. Worm counts are essential for every programme, combined with correct worming.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2011
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Thanks all, Used Equimax when we first bought him. ave also spoken to a vet and vet nurse today and they agree that it would be best to follow the yard worming.

Thanks for your time.