Worms deficated after worming


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22 October 2007
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I wormed my horses with Equimax 2 days ago, having never used this product before, have always gone on vets advice and that was for equest/pramox. Tonight when checking the field after feeding I came across a poo that had a MASSIVE (what I believe to be) roundworm on further checking the same horse had deficated another smaller worm. The horse is 9yrs old!

I am going to vets tomorrow to ask advice over further treatment or if the single dose of wormer is sufficient to "do the job" in full.

I was just wondering if anyone has any advice or what the vets said/did when this has arisen, this is the first time I have ever come across worms in my horses after worming, my fields are poo picked daily/everyother day, they aren't overgrazed but the horses have spent the best part of winter at a livery in a herd not in my field due to circumstance!

I am sitting here currently panicked that I may get to the field tomorrow and see my boy is the worse for it having looked at some cases on the internet! I am kicking myself for not having looked into the worming programmes more indepth and changed wormers every year (when they needed them due to counts)

Sorry for the essay just a tad worried!


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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This has never happened with mine but they have never been on a high volume yard, but it did happen with a neglected mare my dad bought a few years ago.

It's probably due to him being at the livery yard, a friend of mine moved hers from a high volume yard when despite regular worming, her horses were still having high worm counts. Probably best to get a worm count done and go from there.


Well-Known Member
14 October 2009
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Horses are designed to have a small worm burden, dont worry! If you've seen worms coming out then the wormer has done its job, just carry on with your normal worm programme


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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Sounds like the wormer is doing the job. No need to panic! Ring Westgate Labs in the morning for reassurance and the best advice, also to be sure the type of worm you have seen. Are you certain it was roundworm? Might it be pinworm? Roundworm are not common in older horses though we are seeing more roundworm eggs in samples these days.


Active Member
22 October 2007
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Thank you for the replies :) The "big" worm was nearly the length of a ruler, I do have a photo to show the vets but they are closed today, I poo picked my field this AM and only the two that I found last night were evident in his poos, I just panicked as I have never assumed that a "worm" could be this length or fat! Then of course I used google and all the "horror" stories came out on there!
I am going to talk to vets tomorrow, But AFAIK a worm count done at 10 days after initial worming then 14 days after that should show if there is still a burden. Just feel black affronted as never have had worms (seen) before in 5 years of owning them! (and this one was like HUGE!) lol
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