worried about fitness after the weather


Well-Known Member
7 January 2010
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heya been planning to go hunting for a while but due to situations havent been able to go yet this season. well now im worried about going after this cold snap due to my horses fitness. will the hunts be aware of this and take it a bit slower or should i go but take it at my ponies pace eek help what do i do ?????????


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6 April 2008
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The thing to remember is that while you've been struggling to keep your horse fit due to the weather - the hunt will have been having the same problem, horses and quite possibly hounds will have dropped fitness too.

Christmas Crumpet

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30 August 2007
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Hunts will not go "slowly" to cater for people's horses that might not have had as much work as they perhaps normally would. Whatever happens in a day's hunting happens. You may have a day of doing nothing first day back out or you may have a day galloping miles and miles jumping all manner of things.

The most sensible thing to do is wait until you feel your horse is back to full fitness before taking it out hunting. Does it matter if you miss a day or two if it means your horse is able to cope with whatever is thrown at it during the day's hunting?


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25 November 2005
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If your horse was not hunting regularly before the freeze, then you shouldn't try going out if he isn't fit enough.

I read somewhere that a horse doesn't loose fitness quickly, once hard and fit they remain so for some weeks even if not exercised. This was an experiment with Australian racehorses and I don't know what the circumstances were -whether or not they were kept in stables (as our horses might have been) or were turned out into fields and not ridden but were able to exercise themselves. A human will start to loose fitness after 2-3 weeks.

But I would err on the side of caution if it had not been able to regularly exercise my horse, even a fit hunter, and then take it out for a fast hunt. Presumably the hunt horses will have been kept ticking over to some extent as it is their "profession" and they will have made some arrangements to keep them in work of some sort.

I was supposed to have done dressage this week although Ihaven't been able to ride for over a week. Had I been able to ride yesterday or today I would still have gone, but I am going to withdraw as I don't think it would be fair to take him out without a bit of exercise beforehand.


Well-Known Member
7 January 2010
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hmmm tricky she came in slightly lame from the field had scannes etc done no damage so rested her for 2 weeks then back into full work over then next 2 weeks.

she was very fit when she came in lame and soon came back to fitness after the two weeks now she has had a week of light work and rest

i was planning on building up for a week or two again what are peoples opinions????


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
East Anglia
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Agree with Carolineb. If hounds go, they will go and huntsman will follow irrespective of layoff. Ours have been turned out everyday but so far been unable to ride, and when? we resume I will take it steady at the back, as I suspect most of the others will.......well at least those with brakes!


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25 May 2008
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Totally agree with Carolineb the hunt wont do a "steady" day to ease your horse back into it, when weather allows safely my sister will ride her hunter again and when she feels he is ready she will take him, not before, so what if your not the first one out when hunting starts again.


Well-Known Member
7 January 2010
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I just take the horse out anyway and go home when it's tired, whether that is one hour or three..

thats what i was planning to do and take it steady at the back as bless bronte she has breaks and manners to burn love her to bits

think i will wait untill i have had her going for a week as she was very hard and fit before the snow just to make sure. she has been turned out everyday all day and when the snow was powdery i did ride but now its all mushy the iceballs are a real problem so had a few days off

thanks everyone for your replies really appreciated


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7 March 2008
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We may, just may be back mounted for sat.

I have 2 horses to hunt, one of them who is a seasoned hunter and has hunted weekly since the beginning of Autumn hunting, so would feel confident taking him after 1 1/2 weeks off - but would only do so if I could at least hack out for a couple of days prior to take the sparkle out of him.

My second horse only arrived in Oct, and having worked on his fitness, took him out for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I will not be hunting him again until he has been back in full work for a couple of weeks as does not have the residual fitness of the other.

In your case, especially as the horse has had time off prior to this ghastly weather, would be looking at going out after Xmas, assuming it is back in full work and sound.

Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2010
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I too am struggling to ride in this weather; at first I was able to ride in the snow when it was deep enough and just greased the horses feet. However now the ground is rock solid I am having to wait until it gives, which most days it does not seem to. My horses were both hunting fit before this cold snap but when i take them out hunting again I will bear in mind they have lost fitness and only stay out as long as I feel suitable. Providing your horse is fit enough (and it is said that a fit horse only starts losing its fitness after a fortnight of no exercise) there is no reason that you should not go hunting, just make sure you look after your horse and do not push it too hard, especially if it has had an injury. Alternatively if you do not think you would be able to leave early when your horse is tiring wait until it is back into full fitness, just to be on the safe side. Happy hunting!!


Well-Known Member
8 November 2009
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It's a nightmare isn't it. I've managed one hack in the past week and a half, on Sunday when the roads defrosted a bit after lunch. Other than that the only way I can ride is by going to the gallops or indoor arena, which cost £12.50/£15 respectively, so I can't justify that more than once(ish) a week.

I have paid for 9 days only this season (was going to buy another 6 days with another pack too but that might have to go by the wayside now), so I was intending to try to make every day a very full one. However, my plan now is to hunt over Christmas if possible, but just to go home when the horse is tired, so it will be very disppointing if I find he has lost fitness and I am going home at 1 or 2pm. But what else can you do? If you are only planning to go out hunting a few times, paying a visitors cap each time, if I was you I would wait until your horse is feeling properly fit again in January.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2009
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Yes its worrying but my horse was hunting twice a week before the snow so fit and lives out (mainly) 24/7.Have taken her out round the roads mainly so only walking and have missed 2 weeks hunting hopefully on on sunday but will be careful, although i have read it takes 17 days before a fit horse starts to really lose fitness.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2006
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I am worrying about the same thing, altho mine has been turned out every day on a steep hill and has still been running about, the blert. Agree with irishdraft, they drop fitness a lot later than we do (cue me getting run away with when we do get back :D)


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
East Anglia
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Took my ID hunting on Saturday. It was a steady and shortish day as everyone's horses have been off. My boy had hunted on the Weds then had 2 1/2 weeks off. I hacked him Friday as unable to get out earlier then hunted Sat. I kept at the back, took a couple of shortcuts and kept very steady. We did just under 3 hours and he was fine. He has been turned out every day come snow, rain or ice. Hope to go Weds as it looks like Sat may be lost to the weather.