Well-Known Member
Left my pony into day as he had ruined his rug that I had to go out to get a new one. When I arrived back at the yard I could not believe my eyes. The yard was upside down with boxes in front of my stable and the tractor down the middle (switched on) outside my stable the yard owner was putting hay in the barn (never goes through stables always go outside way but got stuck the other day.).. I walk down to see my horse and his nostrils where blowing his ears going and he was very jumpy and on edge. Bare in mind he is only 18months. I moved the boxes to get my horse out foaming that the yo didn't have the commonsense to put him in arena for half an hour while he was in there with the tractor. Anyway all I got was a lot of abuse saying he's not frightened, there's nothing wrong can I just say I know my horse and if there was nothing wrong he wouldn't have jumped at me touching him and would have been eating hay. I just couldn't believe That someone would not have the sense to take the horse out he was fretting in a stable with no where to go. I think I was more annoyed at what could have happened and it could have be avoided by something so easy. Well I think this is final straw with this has given me the extra push I need to leave I recently posted not long ago about moving yards and this is the yo who would make u do jobs and shout at you for washing wellies.