Would I get any interest?


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28 May 2013
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Just wondering if I'd get any interest at all in this if I put up an advert. I'm a 16 year old girl and have been riding for about 5/6 years. I've helped out at my riding school since I was 13 so doing stable duties and helping out at a yard isn't any issue for me. I'm thinking about part loaning a horse but I'm wondering if anyone would actually want a sharer who is straight out of a riding school and is under 18. I've ridden all different types of horses, although, I know riding school horses are very different to privately owned horses. I would class myself as a fairly competent teen and I am defiantly willing to learn and improve. Do you think anyone would consider me?


Well-Known Member
1 May 2006
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Yes I'm sure someone would. I was in the same situation as you. Ridden and worked at a riding school for 4 years. At 15 found a cob mare for loan on a stud. When she was in foal I was offered one of her other horses a 16hh tb mare. Eventually I managed to buy my own and 7 years later I still have him! If you are honest about your ability, willing to do chores and help out on the yard, someone will snap you up! The main issue I think people have with under 18's is that you may have to rely on parents to take you to the yard, so it would be ideal if you found a yard in walking/biking distance? Where area are you in?
Good luck in your search :)


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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Yes, very likely. Unfortunately I'm not in your area, but I have a horse that is very straightforward and safe for anyone, while the other, while safe, needs a competent rider.

There are lots of owners out there who would like help exercising and with stable duties, particularly with winter on its way.

Just be honest about your ability and how much time you can commit to, particularly if you are reliant on parents for lifts.