Would really value your advice...(long though)


Well-Known Member
30 May 2006
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I decided to loan out my boy as i was moving jobs down south- this involves living in one place for three months, moving in Jan then living in that place for six months then who knows! Im may stay on or i may have to move again- i decided it wasnt fair on this particular horseof mine so i decided to loan him for 12 months. He is highly talented and had just started going through novice tests with succes having spent just under a grand with lessons, and some schooling at various (very expensive) establishments. We had a great bond and we were starting to understand how to get the best from each other. Anyway i loaned him out to a friend of a couple of people who had horses at the yard, this person i shall call x seemed keen and reasonabley competant- not a dressage rider, but appeared fairly knowledgeable and came with high reccomendation from these riders. My horse spent several lessons bucking with him (which he hasnt done with me for 6months) which made me a little unsure but everyone at yard told me not to worry but that my horse was testing him out.I am paying ALL my horses bills and i expect his schooling to be maitained if not improved- i mentioned this when i left. This is not a loan as such as i am maintaining all the costs etc but more an "agreement" Today (two weeks after leaving him) I came down to clip him and ride him. He was a nightmare. He jogged, would not relax through his jaw or back took 20 min just to get him into an outline in walk, then a further ten min to get in on the other rein. He tanked in trot- i struggled to make him stop, i actually became a pony clubber and had to lean on him fully back to get him to stop- he would not ride off the track and was just generally so bad i was too scared to canter him (i have been riding for 15 years) and this was in the arena i cant imagine what he would have been like to hack. I was so upset i was close to tears- really close- my two years of hard work felt like it had been destroyed. I am going back in a fortnight (i would go sooner but yard is 7 hours from new job/home etc) im not sure what to do. If hes as bad next time should i move him to me and make him move round the country with me? Or do i leave him with x and hope that things improve? 12 months is a long time i feel for things to deteriorate. But i dont want to stress horse out Please guys some advice! Im so close to tears thinking about it all and so torn. I wont take action till ive ridden him again as he may have just been having a bad day (although ive never been too scared to canter him before) Help!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Next time you move, take your horse with you! Very very sorry to say this but X will ruin your horse - I have had this with one of my past horses and you really do have to nip this in the bud before you lose everything you have worked hard for!

I am usually a "never take a horse from a loan home" person but not this time. X has to go I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2006
In a right mess
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I feel for you. I have never been in your situation but I think I would rather have him roughed off and not ridden rather than ruined by someone else especially if it means you'd loose your special bond by being scared to do things on him.


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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Woah! I'd either get someone else to ride him or move him with you. Horses can be pretty resiliant and at least if you moved him with you then you would be the constant in his life. If he's that bad after 2 weeks then think what he would be like after a year. don't leave it another 2 weeks, IMO.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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If it were me? I'd be arranging to transport him to me ASAP


Well-Known Member
18 September 2006
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I think that person will ruin your horse by the sounds of it. That kinda answers my post about people being reluctant to loan horses. Its such a gamble to loan one out. However, you did it the sensible way ie through friends. However, I wouldn't risk your horse with x any longer because it could ruin the trust you and your horse have built together. On a practical note, if you eventually decided to sell your horse due to work committments, it would be very difficult to sell if the horse continues to deteriorate with x.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Take him with you. He will still have you has his common bond whereever he goes and will soon settle into a routine as it is "your twos" rountine. In 12 months time this horse could be ruined beyond recognition and it will take you forever to get back to where you are now. Go with your gut instinct.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2006
liverpool uk
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yes think i would have taken him with me i know the traveling is a lot but some international horse spend their lives traveling from one place to another and if youve got such a good bond do hime better to be with you rather than leaving him behind


Well-Known Member
30 May 2006
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Thanks guys, you have kind of told me what i thought. Its not that i dont think X will look after him, its just i dont think he really appreciates what a true outline is or how to work a horse correctly. I am going to look for a livery yard tomorrow and move him as soon as i can. My only problem is the contract i made- i am supposed to give him 14 days notice if i require the horse back unless i feel his health is in danger etc would this constitute a health issue? Hmmm.