You got to the yard to muck out to find your horse had already been turned out for you (baring in mind it's Part Livery so DIY at weekends) and not only that they had been turned out before having their breakfast or any hay straight onto a frosty paddock!!
I am fuming. Seriously annoyed also as haylage is being very strictly rationed and I worry how long they are going between being given any. (They do get hayed about three times per day, but they only get approx 1/2 a manger full at a time)
I love the yard and it is very convenient for me to keep him there, and he does seem happy but I cannot justify paying the price I pay for the service I am getting atm.
If things don't improve I think I will have to think about looking elsewhere.
Has anybody else ever had the above problems/are you on a yard where bedding and haylage is ridiculously rationed?
I love the yard and it is very convenient for me to keep him there, and he does seem happy but I cannot justify paying the price I pay for the service I am getting atm.
Has anybody else ever had the above problems/are you on a yard where bedding and haylage is ridiculously rationed?