Would you be worried if your 2 y o had hardly any length to its teeth?


Well-Known Member
2 June 2006
The great english countryside!
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Hi, I bought a 2 year old cob out of sympathy ( most of you are probably realising that most of what I buy is out of sympathy!) that was very under weight and depressed when I got it. She has now been with me for two months and is slowly but surely putting the weight on - although is stuggling to gain condition as of yet - but you cant work miracles over night. I very much beleive she had never been fed or cared for in her little life. The owners trimmed her feet themselves!!! However I looked in her mouth today (she was very nervous when we got her and had not really been able to try it before) and there is almost no length to her teeth which i find odd. Its hard to explain but there is literally not a lot sticking out of her gums ! Dont get me wrong she does have teeth but they do not appear to have grown at all. She is due to see the vet again in 3 weeks for vacs - But do you think that this is due to lack of care in her first 2 years of life? I have had youngsters for years from newborn onwards - but have never seen anything like this in a 2 year old before. Even my 6 month old filly has 2 to 3 times the amount of tooth! Please help with any suggestions. And do you think with good grub (which is what she is getting now) her teeth will sort themselves out?


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
chesterfield, derbyshire
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Some horses are just born to be like that, i had a section a and when the dentist came to do his teeth told me that his top set of teeth were like that and that it was natural for this to happen in some horses. My pony was 5 at the time. was told to use a but chunky loose ring bit and a flash so he couldnt get his tongue over the bit.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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Do not worry most babies milk teeth are small. They are just caps at the moment and the adult teeth will be underneath.

once the adult teeth are ready to come though the milk teeth caps will just be pushed out.

The milk teeth usually start falling out from aged 3 onwards.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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i had a 3yrs the same and wondered if she windsucked and wore them short but she didnt and they grew i am sure yours will be fine