Hmm I wouldn't but if you were to they'd have to be submerged in boiling water and thoroughly disenfected. The risk of strangles or some other virus is to high in my opinion.
Well I suppose we do sometimes buy used dinner plates, and wash them thoroughly... those Kanguro ones are meant to be able to stand up to extreme heat and disinfectant etc.
But personally, no!
Ours came out of a rubbish bin at our first yard (someone was throwing them cos they had broken handles - didn't want handles anyways) and are still with us. They're washed every day and look as good as new!
I can't see the point really. Compared to everything else you spend on your horse the cost of feed bowls is tiny so why scrimp and risk disease?
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Not true - Kangaroo skips can be as much as £12-£19.
Have done , I got ome real cheap from a farm sale. £3 for 5 what a bargain! I washed them with milton sterilizer and never had a problem. A few quid saved cant be a bad thing
Of course I would!
Like anything else second hand you have to steam clean them or soak in disinfectant, but giving anything from a strange yard a really good power wash removes virtually all risk.
We have bought all sorts of things at farm sales, and never had a problem.
Yes I would.....and I did. I was given 3 from my neighbour who had used them for his cattle. They were in good order so I took them. I brought them home and soaked them in Povidone Iodine (kills all known germs and all
), then I thoroughly rinsed them and washed them in a dishwashing agent and then rinsed again thoroughly......voila! Saved myself $50.
When you have to buy as many kanguro's as I have had to, being given them free starts to sound very attractive.
you bet, especially if it was cheap... and then throw some household disinfectant in it neat and swish it around a bit - I reckon nothing worth worrying about will be alive after that.
hell yes although I would buy them of ebay or similar but if I saw some at a tack sale and I need some then yes I'd buy them. It's what disinfectant was made for
Have done , I got ome real cheap from a farm sale. £3 for 5 what a bargain! I washed them with milton sterilizer and never had a problem. A few quid saved cant be a bad thing