Would you pay £200 for a pony?


Well-Known Member
31 December 2005
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Basically a pony for my daughter has caught my eye. 15years old 11.2hh.
Under £300. Its a fair drive from mine to get it, about 2 hours.
Do you think theres probably something wrong with it for it to be that cheap, or is the market that bad?
Its lead rein/1st ridden. Doubt it has the best confirmation. But she just wants to pony club.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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I couldn't say without seeing the actual pony. It might be worth going, but make sure that you have your cynical hat on. ;)

Having said that my friend bought a pony for £1 that turned out to be a pony club star.

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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I would not worry about its conformation, temperament is paramount for a childs pony and at that price, even in this market, I would be suspicious of its suitability to go off the lead, true first riddens at the prime age of 15 are very difficult to find at any price.
It could have health problems which keep the value down, these would not bother me, laminitis or sweet itch being the most likely but are dealable with.
Can you check its history with the local PC they may know the pony. Ask for some video to see it ridden off lead before going to see it.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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probably!! I'd go and look and take the trailer with me,for that money you can't really go wrong. I'd ask to see it ridden first though. But if you did buy it and it proves to be totally unsuitable or unsound it wouldn't cost alot for the hunt to deal with it. TBH you can spend £2000 on a pony that turns out to be a mistake.

Sorry for the waffle but I'd give it a chance!!

team barney

Well-Known Member
5 March 2010
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The expensive ones don't come with guarantees either.

Most horses that are for sale have some issue or other, as long as you view him/her with open eyes I wouldn't be put off by the price.

The market is terrible at the moment, and at 15 he/she is entering the wrong end of the teens so the price isn't necessarily indicative of issues.

If the pony is registered google his/her show name, google the sellers phone numbers to check they aren't a known "dodgy dealer" and trust your instinct, if the pony feels wrong walk away.


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
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I'd go and have a look! I've seen quite a few cheap ponies around recently, probably due to the current market / time of the year. They might be pricing it down because of it's age, but ponies go on forever - we have one in his 30s who has been mistaken for a youngster (several times...!) by judges, he is full of energy and I don't see him slowing down any time soon - puts our teenagers to shame! So even if the owners feel it might be "getting on a bit" then don't be put off by that if it seems happy and healthy. Could have medical issues like sweetitch or maybe vices (cribbing etc) which would make it less valuable but aren't too difficult to deal with really. You can't really tell much about it until you go to see it but if the owners sound genuine over the phone etc then it's probably worth a trip down. Could be a little gem!


Well-Known Member
10 January 2011
Rainy Cumbria!
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I'd go and have a look, you'll never know if you don't! I agree that you should do as much research on the seller and horse as you can and try to get videos before you go. Just go in with your eyes wide open and let us know what happens :)


Well-Known Member
31 December 2005
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Reason for selling is childs lost interest, theres only 2 pics in ad, one has child sat on it while it tied up in head collar, small child with no hat on :s
Makes me go eek!!

I think im going to call them in the morning and ask for a video, then if its any good chance it and drive up there.



Well-Known Member
30 April 2009
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I know its a little bit more but we bought our pony for £500 inc tack, tons of rhino and rambo rugs, boots, nummnahs etc. He has turned out to be a superstar PC pony won countless red rosettes and is a much loved family friend. I say go and look and take the trailer so you can snap him up if you like him!


Well-Known Member
8 June 2009
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Merryn cost £100 inclu. Saddle, two bridles, rugs, grooming kit, buckets, field toys, a bag of feed, a bale of hay, several headcollers and leadropes, full firstaid kit and loads more stuff, well basicaly he came with everything ;) :D
He's such a lovely pony and worth his weight in gold realy. He was soooooooo cheap because he had had laminitas.
I think getting a video is a good idea. :) Good luck with whatever you deside and i hope you've found a real bargin. :D


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Think you're right about the video- good luck!

Why do some folk think a picture of a child without a hat or a newborn baby sat on a pony as the main picture gives the impression of it being safe. I'm not talking about the extra picture of a child perhaps lying with pony in stable or having a cuddle on top of rugs as some of these are cute and do demonstrate the bond the child has with the pony. The worst one I've seen and I think the pony is still available is a 2 yo pony (don't let his age put you off!) with a fully grown man with no hat and a newborn (can't hold it's head up) baby sat on the pommel :eek: