Would you use an Equine Agent? Advice please!


Well-Known Member
18 April 2008
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Was speaking with some freinds and generally reading posts about nightmare buyers/sellers/general disapointment.

I also saw the Equine Agent website (which looked excellent) and the lady seemed very sensible. However, she only seems to cover quite limited area which is very far from me.

It is a area that I have been thinking about prehaps setting up in part time to start with and seeing how the business goes.

I have a lot of experince with horses, having always had my own and bought and sold a 'few projects' in my time and so can market a horse well. I have also hunted all my life over "big country" and know what one needs in a hunter, have shown quitre succesfully at County Level including HOYS so know what to look for in terms of confirmation, manners etc and have eventing experience. In addition I have taught at Pony Club and appreciate how rare a proper old fashioned RC horse is. HOWEVER, I do not have any qualifications per say but am a solicitor in my 'proper job' so can use that skill to draft sale/purchase contracts, etc.

I would also have refernces from people that I have helped buy/sell before with great success.

Do you think it would be worth giving it a go or not part time to see how it goes? The only start up costs I can see are public liability insurance, website and advertising.

Do people actually use equine agents or not do we think? Personally, I know a lot of people who would have been a dam site better off using one but that does not nec. mean they would use one in future.

Wine for geting this far!!!


Well-Known Member
7 March 2010
Nr Ashford, Kent
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I'll unfortunatly have to pass on the wine ( preggers ) but will have a rather appertising ( not ) Rasberry leaf tea haha

If I was looking for a horse, and we were not in the business I would definatly investigate it!! We do have some clients, YO's or YM's that do come to us as an 'agent' so to speak to find them horses time and time again if none of our homebreds are suitable... I think there is def a market for it and would look into it as you could have a good business! : )



Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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I've used an agent in the past when I needed to sell a horse and couldn't bear to do it myself; it worked out really well and the horse got a good home, which was what I'd wanted for him.

I'd asked her to find me one as well; she went out to see some for me but they weren't suitable, and asked around her contacts; I was looking for a bombproof cob and they're just not about when you're looking! So she wasn't successful, but kept looking - and in the end I had one on loan from a trekking centre, and eventually bought him.

Yes, I'd use an agent again; but you need to be very careful and go in with your eyes open. This person had been highly recommended to me, and never advertises (doesn't need to). I'd only go with someone who'd been personally recommended.

Plus points are it can save you a lot of time and heartbreak looking at horses which are blatently unsuitable; the agent will filter out what you're looking for and only look at horses which he/she thinks will suit you. A good agent will see you ride and spend time getting to know you as a person so they know what horse will suit you. But in return you have to be honest with them as to your budget, riding ability, aspirations etc and where you'll be keeping the horse and what you want to do with it.

As far as using an agent to sell for you; again honesty is the key especially if the horse is quirky or needs schooling/bringing on.

Yes, I'd do it again. It didn't cost as much as I thought it would either!


Well-Known Member
18 April 2008
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Either all - will look for horses for you but equally will advertise your horse for sale and deal with all the nutters, etc for you!


Well-Known Member
20 November 2009
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I used an agent to buy my horse (friesian) mainly cos he was native to Holland so therefore had better bargaining power, etc. I had a budget and it was upto him to find me something suitable within it. I just turned up, tried out four horses and picked my fav :) I dont have alot of money to play with but if I did I would have no problems paying an agent at all. I think more ppl should pay for the services of a more experienced person when it comes to this type of thing. So many horror stories. Do agree tho that may take a while to build up a good reputation for yourself but once you have then your laughing. You have a "day job" too so wheres the harm in giving it a shot??


Well-Known Member
28 July 2007
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Tea much appreciated!

I am having a potential new horse tried this morning for me by an agent, she was very thorough asking all about me, my riding and yard at home.

I live overseas but want to buy within the UK, having a horse tried for me with videos I can view and all the background checks done is exactly what I need to put my mind at rest! The agent owning calm Equestrian was recommended to me from another HHOer who has just bought a horse using Miranda and her services.

The agent Miranda is there trying the new horse as I post this, the tension is mounting waiting and wondering ;)


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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I'd consider it. It would have advantages over relying upon the good will of instructors and experienced friends to help you.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2008
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no i wouldn't.

i prefer to speak to potential purchasers myself and the only time i wasn't there at the viewing for a horse i was selling i regretted it.

for buying, i am fairly experienced and know what i want- if i wanted a second opinion i would ask my trainer who knows me and my aims very well and i would trust their opinion more than a stranger's.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2008
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I am trying to, at the moment. My lovely little horse has now been to three different agents and as far as I can see they just take the livery money and don't bother trying to sell him. There's nothing wrong with him, and he hasn't even had a chance as they haven't advertised him yet. I think i was taken advantage of while pregnant as i wasn't really able to keep on top of it and insist they got on with selling. The yard he is at now is finally taking him out competing and getting experience. But if he isn't advertised next week I'll be taking him back - they are still being very slow about it.

A good service should work but you may suffer from people's preconceptions and former bad experiences. It'll take a long time to build up a reputation and a base of former clients who trust you. I wouldn't bother again unless desperate (pregnant, ill or something).


Well-Known Member
18 April 2008
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Its quite interesting reading everyones reponses - thanks.

To be honest, I probabley would not use a agent myself as I think (or would like to think!) I am experienced enough to do it my self. However, I think a lot of people would and a second pair of eyes can oftern be very comforting/usefull when horse other end of country.

In terms of selling, I would be loath to take horses in at mine, not enough room and would also worry why people would not wantto vet purchasers themselves - I certainly would want to. I was thinking more in terms of helping people take photos, draft wording of ad, dealing withinital calls, texts, emails, etc.

I am ofetn astounded at how bad some ads are - we have all seem them - bad spelling, useless info, **** photos. Often those horses are actually quite nice underneath, just need a trim and proper advert. That was the line I was thinking more of!


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18 August 2003
In the middle of the Channel
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Tea much appreciated!

I am having a potential new horse tried this morning for me by an agent, she was very thorough asking all about me, my riding and yard at home.

I live overseas but want to buy within the UK, having a horse tried for me with videos I can view and all the background checks done is exactly what I need to put my mind at rest! The agent owning calm Equestrian was recommended to me from another HHOer who has just bought a horse using Miranda and her services.

The agent Miranda is there trying the new horse as I post this, the tension is mounting waiting and wondering ;)

And I'm waiting with bated breath to find out how she's getting on too! (but guessing not as much as you are)


Well-Known Member
19 July 2020
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I know this is a very old thread but just wondered if anyone can recommend an equine dealer? Am starting search for my first horse so could do with some professional help! ? thank you