Would you walk away .....


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Hi, so a few months ago I posted about buying Dougal from a local riding school. Still think he is the one for me, been jumping him too now and it feels amazing. However, the riding school suddenly upped there price from 2,500 to 3,000 which was OK I supposed considering his age, ability etc. so this was agreed. Now though they want me to collect him on the 28th March which is a bank holiday Monday so transfer of monies etc will be a bit awkward. I say this because I asked if I could have him on 25th March instead, but they want to use him that week-end for his usual hack/lessons - basically they want to get as much money out of him (and me) as possible before they close. I won't agree to paying for him and then allowing him to be used by the school, I also have to think about getting vet check done too which I don't feel comfortable doing if they are then going to use him. So the 28th could be more like the 30th now - I have asked about this but no response yet ! I also need to get his vaccinations started very soon before moving him to the yard that I have him booked into - they have lapsed, he's not been vaccinated for last 4 years, and yes I know its a risk doing this before the vet check but I don't have a choice I'll just have to take the financial hit. I have asked if they will vaccinate him but it was a resounding no. I do feel as though I am being 'played' a bit as they know how much I would like him and that I've already invested a lot of time and effort in lessons and finding the right yard for us - and I still don't have anything in writing. In fact my instructor is being a go between as the yard owner won't even speak directly to me. I have begun to look for other horses, but to be honest my heart isn't in it (neither is my head to be honest). Anyone else had any experience like this, I am finding it really stressful at the minute. Should I maybe take control and write to the owner, at least that way if we have the agreed price in black and white they shouldn't up it again ....


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I definitely think you need to speak to the owner, your contract will be with them.
However, once you have paid he is yours, and they should not be using him.
I too would not want him vetted and then to be used in a riding school.
Has he been vaccinated for tetanus? Does the new yard stipulate anything about vaccination for flu?
They are taking the mickey putting the price up.
In the meantime I really think you should get out and view some horses at that price, you might be pleasantly surprised what you can get for your money even if your heart isn't in it. Another poster did that recently after a loan with view to buy had a significant price increase and has ended up with a much nicer, less complicated and more able horse much as she was gutted to see the last one go.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Thanks Ester, I am going to see another horse this Saturday but I have built my confidence up on Dougal and even though this horse is advertised as being suitable and I have spoken to them I am worried that he won't be what they say he is, i.e. calm !! Although I am trying to be brave but people who sell horses are not always honest are they - he's in a livery yard/dealer's and looks fine on the video they've got of him ....
As far as I know Dougal's vaccs have all lapsed - along with the other riding school horses, wonder if the private liveries on the yard know this ?? We've also got a couple of cases of strangles in the area which is another worry I could do without ......

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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In fact my instructor is being a go between as the yard owner won't even speak directly to me.

Read more at http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?718189-Would-you-walk-away#gf0IsYrx8m37hY2I.99

Apart from the other complications this is the sentence that jumps out at me, if the YO is stressed due to the move and is hiding away from everyone generally then fair enough it must be a very difficult time for her, moving away, selling up etc. but if it is you and your purchase of Dougal alone that they do not want to discuss then that would be enough to make me think very carefully about going ahead.

I agree with ester that putting the price up now they know you are committed is unfair, you must be allowed to get him vetted and if they have to wait a few days for this then basically tough, most people will want a vetting and that needs to be taken into account in the time frame being set, they cannot have it all on their terms and move the goal posts.

I would go there and speak directly to the owner, if they refuse then tell your instructor you will look at others and see what happens, you still have plenty of time to sort things out either way but if they mess you around too much it really is not worth getting yourself upset trying to sort it all out, your contract to purchase will be with the YO if you go ahead don't let them keep you hanging on for too long.


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3 July 2007
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Go and look with an open mind. A horse used in a riding school can change when switched to a new environment as they are used to doing things in a set way. The owner is also abusing your good nature, once she knows you are looking at others she may well be open to a bit of negotiation. Also, if she wants to sell and you want to buy I would want the horse as soon as the vetting is done, not in 2 months!


Well-Known Member
16 October 2015
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you may have built up your confidence with this horse but he may change significantly on a private yard with less work, Id never buy a rs pony. Walk away, its a buyers market :D

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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It does read as if they know that you have an emotional connection with him, so are taking the pee. Having to use the instructor as a go between is just ridiculous.

I would look at other horses.


7 October 2015
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Hi, so a few months ago I posted about buying Dougal from a local riding school. Still think he is the one for me, been jumping him too now and it feels amazing. However, the riding school suddenly upped there price from 2,500 to 3,000 which was OK I supposed considering his age, ability etc. so this was agreed. Now though they want me to collect him on the 28th March which is a bank holiday Monday so transfer of monies etc will be a bit awkward. I say this because I asked if I could have him on 25th March instead, but they want to use him that week-end for his usual hack/lessons - basically they want to get as much money out of him (and me) as possible before they close. I won't agree to paying for him and then allowing him to be used by the school, I also have to think about getting vet check done too which I don't feel comfortable doing if they are then going to use him. So the 28th could be more like the 30th now - I have asked about this but no response yet ! I also need to get his vaccinations started very soon before moving him to the yard that I have him booked into - they have lapsed, he's not been vaccinated for last 4 years, and yes I know its a risk doing this before the vet check but I don't have a choice I'll just have to take the financial hit. I have asked if they will vaccinate him but it was a resounding no. I do feel as though I am being 'played' a bit as they know how much I would like him and that I've already invested a lot of time and effort in lessons and finding the right yard for us - and I still don't have anything in writing. In fact my instructor is being a go between as the yard owner won't even speak directly to me. I have begun to look for other horses, but to be honest my heart isn't in it (neither is my head to be honest). Anyone else had any experience like this, I am finding it really stressful at the minute. Should I maybe take control and write to the owner, at least that way if we have the agreed price in black and white they shouldn't up it again ....
I know of Dougal and my friend knows him and my friend who you know also said he was lovely and so were you and he would be blessed to be in your home with you. Don't let him slip through your fingers, as good horses are hard to come by when your this matched to him.

Yes speak to the owner directly so you have it in writing. If you want him this much I would just let them use him for that extra time, remember he will be yours for many many years so a little extra with them will seem like nothing in the future.

Pay a deposit now and you have proof then start the vaccines it will be 2 weeks for the next and then 6 months.
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Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Hi, I've offered a deposit a couple of times now but it has always been refused ! Who is it that you know that I do - can you PM me ? I really really dont want to give up on him now but I do feel as though I'm banging my head against a brick wall ....


Well-Known Member
25 August 2015
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I know of Dougal and my friend knows him and my friend who you know also said he was lovely and so were you and he would be blessed to be in your home with you. Don't let him slip through your fingers, as good horses are hard to come by when your this matched to him.

Yes speak to the owner directly so you have it in writing. If you want him this much I would just let them use him for that extra time, remember he will be yours for many many years so a little extra with them will seem like nothing in the future.

Pay a deposit now and you have proof then start the vaccines it will be 2 weeks for the next and then 6 months.

As lovely as he is they are playing her for a fool. OP £3k is a decent enough budget - way too much for a fairly average RS horse though.

This looks quite nice

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Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Hi, I've offered a deposit a couple of times now but it has always been refused ! Who is it that you know that I do - can you PM me ? I really really dont want to give up on him now but I do feel as though I'm banging my head against a brick wall ....

I would speak to owner


7 October 2015
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Do you really want to risk loosing him after all the lessons etc you have done? So they are not saying you cannot buy him it is just *not yet*


Well-Known Member
25 August 2015
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Do you really want to risk loosing him after all the lessons etc you have done? So they are not saying you cannot buy him it is just *not yet*

I think this poster may be invested in the horse and not commenting objectively. The other side is tha the YO is playing her for a total mug. Does the YO want to lose out in a sale in the current poor market. OP call their bluff


7 October 2015
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It wont hurt to write to the owner but make sure you and hand deliver so they cannot say they did not receive it. Time is ticking buy only 10 weeks, if I were you and know what you have gone through I would be inclined to give the letter to owner or through letter box or give it to your trainer and get them to hand deliver so you have a witness it was handed to them


7 October 2015
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I think this poster may be invested in the horse and not commenting objectively. The other side is tha the YO is playing her for a total mug. Does the YO want to lose out in a sale in the current poor market. OP call their bluff

You don't know the whole situation and why they are selling.

OP get your trainer to try set up a meeting with the owner. If that fails write a letter to the owner as I said before, or the trainer could try and organise it.

or go and knock on the door in person, surely they must open the door.


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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OP, he sounds like a nice horse and you clearly like him a lot. So I hope that it works out for you both.

That said, if it were me, I would insist on dealing directly with the seller, and would want the price agreed in writing now, and a vetting booked with a vet unconnected to the seller. I'd be prepared to buy immediately subject to vetting and would expect sole use from then on. I would definitely want to find livery elsewhere too. As to vaccinations, I wouldn't risk vaccinating him until after the sale had gone through - why on Earth should you subsidise their costs?!? They may jog on with that nonsense!

In the worst case scenario, there are other horses out there. £3k is a very nice budget in this market. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2015
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You don't know the whole situation and why they are selling.

OP get your trainer to try set up a meeting with the owner. If that fails write a letter to the owner as I said before, or the trainer could try and organise it.

or go and knock on the door in person, surely they must open the door.

The whole situation and why they are selling is completely irrelevant, actually. They are taking advantage of OP and you do sound overly invested.

OP, I've had several ' horses of a lifetime'. A special bond is rarely confined to just one horse and have others have said, there are so, so many out there that you really could have your pick.

Regarding the current status of your purchasing process - I'd cut my losses and run. I viewed a horse recently and once I'd disclosed my interest in her, the price was raised by the seller. I was still very, very tempted but after due consideration, decided I would not buy from people that immoral. Besides, a difficult transaction, fraught with bad feeling was not how I wanted to start life with a new horse. It all left a bad taste!

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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Hi, I've offered a deposit a couple of times now but it has always been refused ! Who is it that you know that I do - can you PM me ? I really really dont want to give up on him now but I do feel as though I'm banging my head against a brick wall ....

It really is a very odd situation that you are in.

There really are other nice horses out there, so don't lose heart if the ***** hits the fan and you don't get him. Plus another horse could turn out to be a better horse for you, with a seller who will give you a nice straightforward sale.

I need a very specific horse due to my physical issues, but I wouldn't want to be treated how you have been, even if the horse was perfect. I would have told them to stick it when they added 20% to the price you had previously agreed, let alone all the other stuff.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Maybe I'm not being totally objective as emotions are involved. They've not said I cannot buy him, I just need something in writing that agrees a date and confirms a price but it seems difficult to get this. I have all my ducks in a row ready to go, I have a great yard lined up and confirmed on a 7 day part livery, My vets are just waiting for my call to carry out the 5 stage vetting, I know which farrier and dentist I want to use and once I have a confirmed date my saddler will be lined up to visit at the new yard so he can be fitted for a new saddle.
I am going to take advice from here and write to the owner confirming the price and requesting confirmation on a date etc. she is rarely around the yard, in fact I've only ever seen her from a distance. I will fight my corner a bit longer but even with my determination there has to be a breaking point !!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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If it is a serious fail i will cry a lot !! Then pick myself up and look for something else. If fixable i will take my vets advice on treatment and either expect the owner to pay for it or reduce the price.


7 October 2015
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Maybe I'm not being totally objective as emotions are involved. They've not said I cannot buy him, I just need something in writing that agrees a date and confirms a price but it seems difficult to get this. I have all my ducks in a row ready to go, I have a great yard lined up and confirmed on a 7 day part livery, My vets are just waiting for my call to carry out the 5 stage vetting, I know which farrier and dentist I want to use and once I have a confirmed date my saddler will be lined up to visit at the new yard so he can be fitted for a new saddle.
I am going to take advice from here and write to the owner confirming the price and requesting confirmation on a date etc. she is rarely around the yard, in fact I've only ever seen her from a distance. I will fight my corner a bit longer but even with my determination there has to be a breaking point !!

what if what if are all very well but time is running out isn't it Dougal9 ;)

Just remember Dougal9 Good things come to those who wait .

yes there are many good horses out there - yes we may have many horses of a life time ( I have had 2). That does not mean you can't fight for what you want and make him your first. Do everything you can to make this happen, even bite your tongue a bit till the yard gets ( you know dougal9 ) wont say on here but the yard prob does not have anyone else as the deadline is drawing near they don't want to be stuck with horses they cannot house will they. Hang in there
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Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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It is generally a good idea to discuss the price "subject to the vetting" then if the vet says there is something that might affect his value, but not his usefulness to you there is scope to bargain.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Thank you :) i'm not done yet .... Just frustrated
Wish I could figure out who you are though - I really appreciate your encouragement, sure you won't PM me .... ?


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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what if what if are all very well but time is running out isn't it Dougal9 ;)

Just remember Dougal9 Good things come to those who wait .

yes there are many good horses out there - yes we may have many horses of a life time ( I have had 2). That does not mean you can't fight for what you want and make him your first. Do everything you can to make this happen, even bite your tongue a bit till the yard gets ( you know dougal9 ) wont say on here but the yard prob does not have anyone else as the deadline is drawing near they don't want to be stuck with horses they cannot house will they. Hang in there

Can you explain what is so special about a riding school horse who may change in personality drastically once he's in a private home? Why should she not look at others? Do you have a connection to the yard? If you do I think you should say what it is.

OP, you don't really know this horse any more than if you go to try ones you have never seen before. He may stay just like he is now, he may change totally.

I think you are being taken for a mug. If the business is closing down, they will be left with a horse to feed and no income to feed him with. In your situation I would tell them it's this week for a vetting and a weekend move, or you'll look around and if you haven't found what you are looking for in the meantime you might consider him then at the original price of £2,500, or a bit less to reflect the fact that they will then desperately need to be rid of him.
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Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Thank you :) i'm not done yet .... Just frustrated
Wish I could figure out who you are though - I really appreciate your encouragement, sure you won't PM me .... ?

Sorry the PM bit was meant for Tyssandi - but thank you to everyone for taking the time to read and comment, all are appreciated :)


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Sorry the PM bit was meant for Tyssandi - but thank you to everyone for taking the time to read and comment, all are appreciated :)

If tyssandi does not PM you and let you know who they are, then I think you should assume they are either the sellers or connected to the sellers.

Either way, you should ignore the advice not to look at other horses, how can it possibly hurt? You can still buy Dylan if you still want him at the beginning of April.


Well-Known Member
27 August 2014
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So, the yard are in a tight spot and *HAVE* to sell.

You are desperate to buy one of their horses.

They've hiked the price up and are generally making it difficult for you to buy said horse.

Someone who apparently knows you and the horse is posting on here pushing the emotional angle and urging you not to waste all the lessons you have had on this horse by walking away from the sale.

OP, you are being played like a violin!

ETA: We don't all buy our lesson horses - it is NOT a waste of those lessons if you buy a different horse.
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