WOW saddle help! Long post


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
I have just got my new saddle and have been trying it out today..........but i'm having stirrup problems!
I don't know why, the final fitting was only two days ago, and i was happy then, but i seem to have forgotten everything already!

The first part of my problem is that i have a jumping and a dressage flap; on the fitting i rode in the jumping flap second and could feel the leathers on my shins, i thought that i might just need to get used to them, but when i got home my shins were bruised
, so i am going to get a shorter pair of leathers for jumping so the buckle bit will be lower down (i'm on the 7th hole up from the bottom). Does any one else have this problem? I am on the front stirrup bar for jumping, and don't like it on the back bar for 'light seat' work.

Secondly, I put on the dressage flap today (had problems getting the screws aligned!arrrgh
) i put my leathers on the back bar and they were too short (three holes from the bottom) i tried to put them down but basically I couldn't! I tried and tried, but i am a weakling and couldn't get the thing through the hole.
Clearly they are stiff as brand new, but is it even possible to use the very bottom hole? Any way even if it is, it still only gives me two holes to play with. I got home and realised that i can use the front stirrup bar, but i don't think it gives me as nicer lower leg position.

I am riding tomorrow, and have put on a normal pair of leathers, which are easy to adjust!!!

Any help or advise would be great befor i start ringing my fitter at Xmas! Thanks


Well-Known Member
27 September 2006

What exactly is it that has rubbed your shins? The t-bar of the stirrup leathers? If so, dont you have the stirrup keepers that should have come with your saddle over those? They're tiny rings of leather with the wow emblem on and they're designed to go over the top of the t bar attachment when the stirrup is down. Ive never had any problems with the leathers rubbing me, although I do ride in long boots which may perhaps give me some protection.

Second problem, you say you couldnt get "the thing through the hole" - is this the t-bars again? If so I cant work out why.. they should be much less stiff than ordinary leathers because the holds on the wow leathers are elongated to allow the full t bar to pass through it. Yes, it should be possible to use the very bottom hole.

If you're switching between the two stirrup bars then you probably will need two different lengths of leathers. The back bar puts you in a very good alignment but naturally, that means you'll be riding with a considerably longer leg. I never use the front bar as I hate being out of this alignment. I know when I had my wow fitted, they asked quite specifically if I would be using both stirrup bars because if I would be, then I'd likely need additional stirrup leathers.

Personally I wouldnt use normal leathers on the wow. The stirrup bars arent designed for this and the leather could quite easily detach. The wow stirrup bars dont need to be curved or have any form of locking mechanism precisely because the wow stirrups attach by loops. By putting conventional stirrups on, you risk the stirrup coming free from the saddle. Also remember that the wow isnt designed to have a big buckle sat there, so keep an eye on the leather work.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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I have 2 WOW saddles, which after teething problems are now all working really well.

However I had stirrup loops made on my WOW's as their leathers are horrible! They used to be made by Bates, but apparently they fell out with them and the current pairs aren't very nice to use IMHO.

I now use normal leathers (Bates on one and Amerigo on the other) and have no problems with rubbing. I ride on jumping flaps on both and on the first D, as I don't really do dressage. I have also noticed my flexible stirrups (cheapo Shires ones) are a tad more comfy than my usual aussie ones with regards to calf comfort.

Not sure whether that helps!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
Yes, It is the T bar which has rubbed my shins and they are the WOW leathers, with the keepers pulled down, but they still 'get' me, even with long boots. I think it just sits in the wrong place for me.

Abd Yes, the 'thing' i mention is the T bar. The leather it's self is very soft, but the holes are soo tight! I had to get 6'4'' of man on it when i got home
I can't get anyway near enough leaverage on the bottom hole though.(SP)

I think you are right; i do need two pairs of leathers, and will have to speak to my fitter about this. Because i do alot of fast work, i ride short, and on the front bar to keep my weight back (safety first!), there is a big difference between the two lengths.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2006
Hmmm how very odd about the leathers. I didnt have this issue even when new so Im half wondering if you have a slightly dodgy pair that dont have large enough holes. The wow leathers have webbing running through the centre of them to prevent excess stretching, so perhaps its the webbing thats not had large enough holes put in? Certainly trying to stretch that would be a nightmare because you know how strong headcollars are!

In regards to the t-bar rubbing... thinking about it when I ride, the t-bar is very close to my ankle so perhaps the skin down there is less irritable?

I'd say get yourself a second set of leathers for the length issue.. I cant remember how much they are though.. think its around £40? You can order those directly from First Thought although I imagine they've closed for christmas.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
The 'normal' leathers i'm going to ride with tomorrow are Amerigo, so i hope they won't mark the saddle, and will give me loads of adjustment.

So, if i use these leathers, work out how much difference i have between the two lengths, then decide what to do! And WOW's sound so simple!

Who put the stirrup leathers on for you? And does your Wow fitter know!

One more thing; what numnahs do you use?

Thanks for the advise.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
Thanks tierra, i think they have closed for xmas, and they are about 60quid a pair now!

When i have them dressage length- or as close as i am getting- the T bar is right down by my ankle, so it is definitly the difference between the two lenghts which is causing the problem.

But the holes....... it must be the webbing! the fitter kept saying they were stiff because they were new, but it is really difficult, so if she was struggling with the 'knak' as it were, i don't stand a chance!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2004
co durham
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I've had my WOW for a few years now so when I got mine I got Bates webbers with mine and the T-bar goes "inside" the leather so they probably rub less. I found that the nylon webbing inside used to fray around the holes and look untidy. After going through a few pairs I got some leathers from and use these now - I asked them to include some extra holes for me so I could have them short enough to jump but when they came I found they were very generous anyway.
I'd needed two sizes as well to start with as there was such a big difference from using the front and back stirrup bars. Mind I mostly use the front bars now as I have quite short legs so its a lots more comfy to use the front bars for flat and jumping.
I use a Griffen Nuu-med close contact jumping numnah for mine which has little velcro straps to attach to the D-rings which I find to be a near perfect fit.
Who is your fitter -CJ?


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
My fitter is EF, who has been great, i just feel bad to start ringing her late tonight. I will wait untill after xmas. It was so cold when she came out the other day her hair had frozen- i mean, thats dedication!

Where i have beeen trying to get the T bar through the holes the webbing is already fraying a bit.

She sells Numed stuff as well, so i have got a full wool dressage numnah and a 'pro pad' jumping numnah, with short loops, but both were a special order, so expensive
- i wondered if any other companies so short loops?


Well-Known Member
9 December 2004
co durham
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The only trouble I've had with the better saddles ones are the little leather loop that runs over the T-bar has needed restitching once but they are very smart and a lot more durable than the Bates ones. I much prefer them and they def haven't stretched as measured them a few weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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i got my wow recently..i think u need 2 pairs of leathers, i got 2 with mine and bought an extra pair of irons as well so i dont have to fuss around changing them either, makes life easier!!

i also fin gettin the t bars into the slots difficult but i think u just need to get the knack lol as my mum can do it perfectly ok...and again if u get 2 sets of leathers u wont have to change them that often hopefully!!

what kind of flaps have u got..i bough jumping fixed, and giant dressage!!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire

I got jumping fixed and dresage fixed- but was tempted by the giant!

I agree abot the stirrup irons too, and have fortunatly asked for a new pair for xmas! My current ones (cheapy cottage craft ones) are really difficult to get the wow leathers through the holes at the top of the iron.

I seem to find changing everything difficult with this saddle LOL, but am hoping it will get easier. I came home today wishing i had just got two 'normal' saddles with 'normal 'leathers- but keep telling myself everything takes time to settle down, and it's a very good fit on him.


Well-Known Member
29 March 2005
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yeh i know wot u mean i have only changed mine once but i think wen we get used to it it will be easier!! and when everything just ets used a little more
would love to see some pics


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
That would mean i have to learn how to use the digital camera properly ...... and the computer!!

Am going to be doing some tinsel related activities on xmas eve though, so will PM you (if i can)!


Well-Known Member
9 December 2004
co durham
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I find its a lot easier to change the stirrups if the saddle isnt on the horse and its hanging over the stable door. I think the knack is not to have the panel squashing up against the bars. They change quite easily then.
I used to find adjusting the bits on the saddle difficult but it becomes really easy with practice. I have a GP which has one set of adjustable flaps that can go from jumping to dressage position. I rarely change them from the forward position as I jump more than dressage as a rule but I am going to affiliate dressage in 2007 so maybe will start using it more then.
I often have to change the headplate in my saddle as my mare fluctuates between 2 sizes and have had to take the panel off on the odd occassion and all the adjustments are 2nd nature now so don't worry! I love my saddle that I can make all these adjustments to make it a comfortable for her as I can although it was a faff at first.
air 78, Where is EF based?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2006
Agree with not trying to alter the stirrups to a different bar while the saddle is on the horse! I find this near impossible. Take it off the horse and hold it in your lap allows you to press the flaps backwards and give you much more room. That being said, my OH has to do mine for me

Thankfully though, I dont switch


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
EF is based just outside york.

I chickened out of the stirrup nightmare today and rode in my old saddle...... but it was raining, and i didn't want to get it wet! Anyway, poor big lad has had a mild bout of colic this evening, but touch wood has settled now. He is being checked late tonight, but fingers crossed for the morning.... i've been out buying tinsel for him!

Thanks for all your advice everyone,
I will keep perservering.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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Normal leathers will not mark the saddle, and I have had no problems at all with them. However if you don't have the stirrup loops on the saddle (and you are short) the spare extra length of leather can be annoying!

My WOW fitter knows - she had to get WOW to add the stirrup loops on (quite common apparently for SJ / XC as we tend to prefer non-dressage leathers!!)

Numnahs - I use a mixture of thin poly pads and thin cotton numnahs. However my favourite is a Roma pad I picked up cheap in a countrywide store - seems to love my wow saddles on either horse and doesn't budge an inch.