Xc fall


Well-Known Member
10 April 2014
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I was at a pc xc rally designed for novices or beginners a xc so i took my friends mare, we were jumping and upon landing she turned and bucked after hugely overjumping. I landed head first and now the side of my neck aches, what is likely to be wrong with my neck and what should i do about it?


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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I was at a pc xc rally designed for novices or beginners a xc so i took my friends mare, we were jumping and upon landing she turned and bucked after hugely overjumping. I landed head first and now the side of my neck aches, what is likely to be wrong with my neck and what should i do about it?

Go and get it checked out! This is a horse forum, not A+E!! No-one can help you here


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19 January 2013
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You should really not have moved at all! And the sensible thing to do would be to lie down on your back on the floor,keep your head absolutely still & get someone to call an ambulance-paramedics will check you out &,if they have any doubts,take to A/E.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Have you told your parents? Did they not have an opinion on what would be best to do for you?

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Please go and get yourself checked out, if you landed on your head they really should not have let you get back on let alone jump and fall off twice more, your hat must be replaced before you ride again the impact will have damaged it, another reason the instructor should have stopped you riding.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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the instructres said take a deep breath get on and try the combination again so i continued and the pony got me off another two times

I thought things had changed since my friend was made to get back on and finish the course when it turned out she'd broken her arm, but it seems not to be the case.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2014
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Please get yourself checked out as soon as possible, OP. Better safe than sorry - IF there is something damaged, however slightly, you could risk worsening it by moving around too much.

Sometimes you don't realize you're hurt before a while after the fact. I came off a horse and landed on my head/chin while schooling in a sand arena. Got back on and did the course again on three different horses. I actually came off a second time. Turned out I had a mild concussion and should not have been on a horse at all after the first tumble but I think the adrenaline kept me and the instructor from realizing at the time. I would never repeat that.


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6 November 2004
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Is this for real? How come the organisers even let the OP stand up, let alone go off home?!!

Why wouldnt the organisers let her stand up?! She wasnt knocked out, so if she got up then why wouldnt they let her?! Wow, it would really slow an event down if every single rider who took a tumble was made to lie still and taken off in an ambulance...

OP, if you're moving about then you're probably fine but probably wise to get it checked by going to your doctor.


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8 January 2011
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I hope the OP is already at A&E or a walk in centre. Hope you're doing OK too.

It doesn't surprise me that the old 'stiff upper lip' is still going on today. Donkeys years ago at a PC hunter trial I was booted off and landed arms and head first into a tree trunk. Before I even got my senses together I was being legged back up and told to kick, growl and give him a whack. 3 or so fences later I thought I was going to throw up but instead I fainted and gracefully slid off. Broken arm and concussion all from the first fall, thankfully being limp the second time was good and I didn't do any more damage.

I didn't expect an air ambulance to turn up and whisk me away when I first fell off but when you have a knock to the head that's it, out of the competition in my opinion and heading straight for the medical tent for a check over. There are delayed reactions to head injuries and you shouldn't mess around with them, Natasha Richardson is a fair example to give here.

I used to take part in motorcycle track days and if you have an off be it 5mph or 150mph you are not allowed to continue, your event bracelet is cut off and you have to visit the medical tent and pass the standard neurological checks before being given another bracelet and allowed to go out again. That seems pretty sensible to me, rather that than a million pound lawsuit for negligence and a grieving family!


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29 September 2013
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Last time I was in A&E I was told in no uncertain terms by the triage nurse that any accident at speed (canter/gallop) and any accident involving head/neck injury MUST be checked out by a doctor.

Please OP go and get checked out. It is very likely just a muscular injury but only a doctor can no for sure.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2013
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Why wouldnt the organisers let her stand up?! She wasnt knocked out, so if she got up then why wouldnt they let her?! Wow, it would really slow an event down if every single rider who took a tumble was made to lie still and taken off in an ambulance...

OP, if you're moving about then you're probably fine but probably wise to get it checked by going to your doctor.

Well I don't know how the events you attend are run, but if somebody falls on their head and complains of neck pains at the places I ride at they are told to lie still until a first aider has checked them. If there is any doubt at all about a spinal injury they stay on the ground until a paramedic arrives. Yes everything grinds to a halt until they either prove to be OK or they go off in an ambulance, but I'd rather that than a child ended up in a wheelchair because the organisers wanted to get on with things. I would have thought their insurance would ensure they were ultra cautious about such injuries.


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19 August 2008
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Is this for real? How come the organisers even let the OP stand up, let alone go off home?!!

If she's at a PC rally she's probably quite young (ie under 16), so I'd be wondering why she's asking a forum not her parents firstly.

And then in a lesson if someone falls off procedure seems to be to ask if they're ok. Child normally says xyz hurts, instructor does a basic check of those things and then asks if the child wants to get back on. If they say yes they get told to take a deep breath and then try those fences again...


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I am sorry you had a fall :-(

Although I would AGREE to have yourself checked out at a hospital or walk-in centre, I would say that feeling stiff in your neck is quite normal after a fall.

I will probably be a LOT worse tomorrow morning, however I would imagine after a couple of weeks it will all be OK again.

The trouble is that although taking pain killers may make it feel better, I would not do that until you have had it checked out as it could disguise more serious damage than bruising. The human head and neck are not best designed to be shaken about, and whiplash is very painful.

I have had a number of whiplash injuries, and although most have been very simple rest/ gentle exercise and anti inflammatories and right in a week or two, one of them was more serious and affected the way three of the vertebrae moved, and I have ended up with growths on the vertebrae as they attempted to stabilise themselves as I did not.

So, probably you are OK, but the risk is too high not to have it checked.

Better be safe than regret it later. I ended up not riding for nearly 5 years as I was not careful enough on just one occasion.

Good Luck!
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Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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A couple of points|:
1, A&E straight away as a precaution, better to be safe than sorry
2. My daughter is 23 and still attends PC so OP not necessarily under 16
3. Agree hat must be changed or at least professionally checked.

With regard to Op probably being fine as she got up and walked around - I had a fall a couple of years ago - I got up, walked around, got back on and continued riding - However it turned out I had a fractured skull and cracked shoulder.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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A couple of points|:
1, A&E straight away as a precaution, better to be safe than sorry
2. My daughter is 23 and still attends PC so OP not necessarily under 16
3. Agree hat must be changed or at least professionally checked.

With regard to Op probably being fine as she got up and walked around - I had a fall a couple of years ago - I got up, walked around, got back on and continued riding - However it turned out I had a fractured skull and cracked shoulder.

OP has previously said she is eleven.


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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Ah, but not on this thread, therefore my comment that she may be an adult. I hope OP has been checked by a medical professional and has been given the 'all clear'


Well-Known Member
23 April 2013
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A couple of points|:
1, A&E straight away as a precaution, better to be safe than sorry
2. My daughter is 23 and still attends PC so OP not necessarily under 16
3. Agree hat must be changed or at least professionally checked.

With regard to Op probably being fine as she got up and walked around - I had a fall a couple of years ago - I got up, walked around, got back on and continued riding - However it turned out I had a fractured skull and cracked shoulder.

I agree. In August I fell off my bike, landed head first. Got up and brushed myself off , thought I was fine so carried on. Turns out I had twisted my neck & dissected my carotid artery causing a blood clot and a stroke. Still recovering 9 months on. Head injuries are nasty, please get checked out .