Yard Issues


Well-Known Member
6 October 2006
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Two weeks ago I loved my yard, it has a great variety of people and horses, good facilities, 5 mins from my house, my horse is happy couldn't get better, don't come flocking just yet it isn't horsey nirvana or anything it has little problems but nothing worrying.

Then everything has just gone nuts! I don't know whether its the time of the year or full moon or something but every possible thing that go go wrong has:

My old yard (hell) is closing and its occupants are moving to my yard (I left this time last year) I'm not a yard hopper but hell offered part livery and seemed very unhell-like when I arrived! They're bringing 8 horses and my new YO is going to litterally squash them in every nook and cranie - must've been an expensive xmas!

Ok can cope with that everyone else is going nuts and the jungle drums were in overdrive and of course because I know the new ones I've been bombarded with questions. akward but managable.

Then.. found out one of the girls is sha***ng YO's son ewwww! So everyones full of that scandal.

Then....prices to rise 5% at the end of the month and again in July, ok getting silly now

Then...got a msg on my mobile after lunch that YO stopped our haylege delivery! He went nuts at the driver and told him hes sick of other people making money from him and that they should pay him comission to sell to his liveries, the poor lady who organises everyones order and money was caught in it all and is obiously upset. During his rant hes also said trainers and instructors are banned from teaching liveries in the school because they're also making money from him!!!

I have a weekly lesson and can't really afford to hire anywhere else, theres a few that have lessons too we all just share the arena and theres never once been a problem,

I was so excited about this year especially horse wise but it seems to be going a little pear shaped! Everythings gone crazy (this is my 3rd post today I think I had HHO withdrawl)


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Personally I'd give the YO a couple of days to cool off (maybe something going on in personal life to make them loose it?) and then ask to have a chat with them and try and clear up issues.

If still no luck then you have to weigh up pro's and con's of staying at the yard.


Well-Known Member
6 October 2006
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We're in Lincolnshire, there is a bit of a facility shortage directly around us I guess thats how YO can get away with his mad five minutes! At the moment I'm being optomistic hopefully will all blow over, I might just do a bit of overtime at work and go down late when theres no-one around, looks like I will need the money!

I had a quick nose on tanglewoodstud site would you like to relocate to north lincs? Your place looks beautiful!


Well-Known Member
6 December 2006
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yea we are quite a way away from you - im buying my new lorry up near you from andrew Seywell !!

Im going up there in a few weeks to design it i cant wait !!

thanks hun - still got loads to do at the yard cant wait till its all finished !!


Well-Known Member
16 June 2005
S Lincs
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Where abouts in Lincs - I know a fair few yards but I'm S Lincs and could be miles from you.

PM me if you'd rather

PS - sounds like my old yard!


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
sheffield up t'road
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its been my experience that yards are often ok for a while and then start going wrong!lol.
they will promise you everything to get you on the yard and once you are on(they know how diffcult it is to uproot your horse and move!) things can go completely pear shaped sooner or later.
my friend was at a yard the it was just a field,
at the end of her stay it was no strip grazing(so the horses had no fresh grass for about 12months!),
no poo picking (the paddocks very small too)
mouldy old hay that was 'soaked under black haylage bags in the dew to get rid of the dust as all the horses had bad coughes),
no water(had to bring own as YO would leave them with none) in winter water was a muddy puddle)
if you came down on DIY you had to do the other horses(meaning water and feed the mouldy rotting hay) or pay 'full livery'
full livery consisted of the paddock and a feed only(if you wanted the horse fed or not!) for £30 per week plus the cost of hay!
in the winter YO was sick and the horses got hardly any hay and all looked really too thin and had coughs, then in summer when they were too fat they got loads of hay and she insisted on feeding them(and self remedied my mates horses cough with molassis on bread for which she charged an extra £6 a week for!even though my mate said no molassis he reacts badly to it!)
it costs my friend less at the place she moved to for a lovely big stable,field with grass,poo picked,menage,hacking and solarium on DIY.(do your own horses only!)

one of the yards i was at MADE me feed my overweight mare(confirmed by the vet as dangerously fat) more grazing and threatened to throw them on the street if i didnt!,
brought down an unvaccinated pony who was dangerous to lead,broke fences(including electric and post and rail),stuck it on the yard so you had to lead past it loose when i had a newly foaled mare!!and wouldnt let me put it anywhere else while i led my two to the stables
made me move off to a paddock at the back of the yard with only(my) electric fencing between mine and the mad pony and a deep pond and where they were on their own if the mad pony and her two horses were let out(and they charged up the the yard leaving my two going stir crazy galloping in the field)
she was calling me pathetic names as well at the end.
i AM fussy and protective of my horses i admit, even more so of a new foal but she was being so unreasonable!

another yard was even worse for horse safety-pot hole feilds,barbed wire left out,ragwort trees as tall as my horses back (shes 15.1hh!)(cut down and left with horses to wilt when we all complained) and she used to verbaly abuse the liveries!everyone was terrified of her.she took the horses hay out at night to sAve herslf money, hit the horses all the time.

i know some people do things differently
i am one of those people who are probably really annoying who likes to have their horse as safe as possible-
eg safe fencing,
no holes in the paddocks to put hooves down(ive seen places with rabit holes all over!),
restricted grass for fat horses,
safe stables big enough for horses,
headcollars not left on,
regular turnout
no haynets around foals
proper mucking out
poo picked fields!
why can so few places provide this?!