Looking for DIY livery or a yard to rent/share, ideally within a 15 mile radius of Leeds City Centre.
Price is not important if the yard and facilities are right!
For example:
Gildersome, Tong, Farnley, Meanwood, Roundhay, Shadwell, Rothwell... etc
Must have:
Decent fencing and all year turnout
Decent school
Parking for a horsebox
Nice to have:
Indoor school
Indoor/barn stabling
Individual tack rooms
Thank you in advance
Price is not important if the yard and facilities are right!
For example:
Gildersome, Tong, Farnley, Meanwood, Roundhay, Shadwell, Rothwell... etc
Must have:
Decent fencing and all year turnout
Decent school
Parking for a horsebox
Nice to have:
Indoor school
Indoor/barn stabling
Individual tack rooms
Thank you in advance