Ample Prosecco
Still wittering on
My friend is on a yard with a batsh1t YO who makes money in lots of weird ways. Lasest one is to allow people to live in caravans on the yard. One new resisdent is parked up right alongside the arena fence line and hangs her washing out next to the arena. The other day she banged furiously on the window of her caravan at 7:30 in the morning at the rider in the arena because she was 'sleeping' and it's 'too early to ride'.
Are there any restrictions on people just moving into a caravan on a yard with owner's permission? Or is this a perfectly legit thing to do. It is making the liveries very uncomfortable.
Are there any restrictions on people just moving into a caravan on a yard with owner's permission? Or is this a perfectly legit thing to do. It is making the liveries very uncomfortable.