yards in Brussels


13 February 2010
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We're moving over to Brussels in March and bringing our mare with us. Does anybody have any advice or know of any livery yards nearby?
We've always had her on diy with the option for part/full livery when needed but aware things may be done slightly different over there.
Would definitely need a stable during the winter and plenty of turnout as a minimum though as our mare is getting on.

kind regards,


Well-Known Member
21 April 2014
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Which part of Brussels are you moving to? If you're living in e.g., Jette and trying to find livery in Overijse you'll spend most of your time in traffic jams.

The main popular stables with expats are Overijse/Tervuren direction and are notoriously snobby with animal "welfare" guaranteed to raise your eyebrows 2 inches.

You'd be much better off looking on quefaire.be or tweedehands.be and looking for a private arrangement - or at least 20km+ from Brussels.

If you tell me what sort of area you're looking at perhaps I can help.

Edit: DIY pretty unheard of. Wormers bought at the human chemist (!), farriers see themselves as artistes... not much in the way of "fun" shows - you need to pass a test to be allowed to showjump. Few adults will wear a hat and you need to be 14 (at least when I lived there) to be allowed to hack on the roads.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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As WindyStacks says - depends where you are moving to. Great yards around Leuven area but yes, the ones closest to Brussels are notoriously up their own behinds and turn out is rare. DIY doesn't really exist however the prices are so cheap for part livery there it doesn't matter.

I was there for 20 odd years and OH is Belgian - still have lots of contacts once you know where you are going to be can point you in right direction. My last yard there was very much what you state you need along with a passable school and fantastic hacking but lovely family run place.