Yay and would this be a good idea?


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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I had a jumping lesson today and the notorious pole knocker kept all the poles up :D

However, he's still rushing...a LOT!
I can only get there once a week (he's not mine, don't worry!) and I don't have a say whether we jump or hack, it's usually a hack.
When the weather warms up enough, my mother will start coming to keep an eye on me again in the school, so I can start doing that again...

So, my question is...would it be an idea to set up a course of jumps and just trot around them? Meaning, not jumping them? Then once he relaxes, pop one every now and again and if he settles even more, do the whole course? Of course they'd be small, I get scared jumping higher than 2ft6!

Please be kind!!!!!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2011
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Of course! It's a basic sort of desensitisation really ie. we may or may not do the fun stuff,you'll just have to concentrate&listen to me and if you are good(not too giddy!) the reward is a bit of the fun stuff.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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I think that's a good idea :) I did something similar with my mare, she used to charge at fence no matter how much you pulled, i put a small fence up and a pole on the ground in line with the fence next to it, she loves jumping so it worked, i cantered round them until she calmed down then once calm i would point her in the direction of the fence, if she ruushed, i'd pull her onto the pole instead, she was so dissapointed but she got the idea eventualy, the point of the pole on the ground is that they have to go over something so not teaching them to duck out, it worked :D And now after nearly a year of having her i can proudly say that she can jump a whole course up to 2ft6 calmly, 2ft6 and above although not calm anymore she will listen a lot more and will slow down and pick up her front when asked now :)


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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Thanks :)

I think someone's suggested it to me before, but I had just remembered about it today (D'oh!)
I can't wait to get on and try it out, hopefully the weather will stay mild :D