Yay! Clever cats.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Last year we had a stoat or weasel kill two hens and attack another. I had to pull them out of the run and they have lived in a stable all winter.

Yesterday there was a wierd head left on the doorstep for us. We think it was a weasel. Hopefully it was the one that got the hens - the dogs and cats had been sniffing around where it lives (under our hayshed!) all winter.

Clever cats. A year ago they were in a rescue and had never even been outside. They were terrified of outside at first and used to hang off the doorhandle when first put out, trying to get back in! Now they are up trees and out 23 hours a day sometimes. They have officially got their "country farmhouse cat" status now.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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At our summer house we have fenced in a part of our back garden for the cats, but it is always so lovely when they decide to share their prey with you, is it not?

*sigh* If I only could teach the one of my two cats that is really good at catching mice and frogs, to at least only bring them indoors if they're dead I would be a lot happier, because having to catch wild mice and frogs myself, to get them out of my house, is simply not my favourite hobby. On the other hand, when I think about it, I'm probably not that happy when I've gotten out of bed some mornings and stepped on a dead mouse that she's left as a gift beside my bed either... Poor cat, I'm such an ungrateful owner.



Well-Known Member
1 February 2013
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Good on it, teaching the weasel a lesson lol

Mine has just started getting good at catching birds, he is 10 months. It's like he has discovered it's possible so now spends his whole day trying his hardest, he has brought two home so far that I know of...

Last night he didn't come home, was a bit worried as it's not like him (he knows he gets tuna before bed!). Still no sign of him this morning, was hanging the washing out, contemplating putting 'missing' posters up, and could hear wee cries of desperation... he was locked in my neighbors basement! Wee soul had been in there all night. So the first thing he done when we let him out (thank god they were home!) was go and catch a bird to ragdoll around to take his anger out on haha, poor bird!


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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I agree - ours bring live mice in sometimes, and as the house is half building site its really hard to find them again!

Sadly I found the body from the head, and it was actually a rabbit, although looked nothing like it, ears missing etc. There was a huge buzzard in the field today, which may have been involved, but even if not was majestic!

So stoat/weasel still at large, and cats still have a job to do!