Well-Known Member
what a lovely thought - more daylight!!
Its tomorrow...but if you look on you'll see the sun tonight & tomorrow sets at exactly the same time..15.53 with -8 seconds shorter tonight, but by the 27th it sets at by the end of jan it sets at 16.47(ish) which is almost an hour later...if you take into account that the time its gets hard to see now, rapidly after 1630....this makes it roughly nearly 40 mins from sunset time.....which by my desperately positive calculations, means by the end of theory we should be able to see at 5-515 what we do now at half 4! This makes me VERY happy. I think I will have confused many with my calculations...and there are differences around the uk ofcourse...but its all good!!!!Double YAY!
YOU can be my friend, in fact I could kiss you !! xxxxxx