YO's from hell


Well-Known Member
29 October 2009
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Have you ever had a yo from hell?
I currently have one- alcoholic at that, never know who's paid rent and when, makes the younger girls cry telling them they can't jump in the crappy menage thats can't be ridden in , in the winter as it is too boggy as it doesn't have any guttering.. Some days he will be happy other days he will come on yard with thunder in his eyes and we all go and hide..:p
Tea and biscuits for those who have a story to tell!


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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My last YO used to have terrible moods, if you saw him coming you would run and hide. Worst thing though he told me I should go at my yearling with a pitchfork as I'm not strong enough with him and he needs to know who is boss (apparently he was uncontrollable and dangerous all because he would spook at tractors with massive trailers on the back...) I promptly found somewhere else!

Fools Motto

Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
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Oh many many stories

about the same YO!!
Wouldn't know where to start tbh. Perhaps suggest something YO related and I'm sure I can come up with something suitable ... or not!?!!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2010
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I was looking for full livery (minus exercising) and a local 'horsey' lady recommended a small private yard close by who were looking to supplement their income by taking on a couple of full liveries. Lady assured me the family were responsible and knowledgeable. They were new to the area so I only had this lady's say so.

Spoke to the family, looked around the yard, Basic, but everyone was a winner. I was paying good money for a personal service. They had very little to do as my boys are very easy to 'do' (literally checked, fed, no rugs etc, only have hay if it snows). I would do weekends and three evenings a week.

First problem arose when it snowed and i wasn't alowed to have hay delivered. Then i wasnt allowed to store it incase it caused a fire. It quickly transpired the only experience these muppets had was a backstreet riding school and a few books. I wasn't allowed to take the animals from the field because it messed up her driveway, and she'd stand there and try and 'instruct' you how to do things whilst swigging whatever alcoholic beverage she had to hand.

It came to a head when one of her children caught one of the boys, bridled him and tied him to the fence... and i found him next morning, still tied. I asked her not to allow her kids to do that and she went nuts....

Cue her shreiking abuse at us, padlocking my boys in and reporting me to the police for trespass. she said my boys were hers :rolleyes:

All ended well, as the police went in and removed my boys for me, then she stood there trying to stop me boxing them up, causing a scene. She was arrested for public disorder :D

Her and the other horsey lady slated me for months, stopped me moving to another livery by telling them i didn't pay my bills (i had bank statements to prove i'd paid her, a month in advance every month) and saying i couldnt ride :D

will never ever go to yard again to a yo unless i know them well. i am on a yard with a very trusted friend now, just us, no-one else. it's bliss. i won't risk my horses again, with anyone.

Snowy Celandine

Well-Known Member
29 April 2010
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I now have the most brilliant yard owner ever. She looks after all the horses as if they were her own and she is extremely knowledgable, without being 'interfering'. I trust her judgement completely and will never move unless I finally move house and get more land and am able to keep my pony at home.

The YO before this one was lovely too but the one before that was a total nightmare and I wish I'd never met her, she really was that bad. She starved my horses, took money for shoeing and exercising them and but kept making excuses as to why she'd not had them shod/exercised, moved them to a filthy stable and, when I gave notice, she held my horses hostage. I had to 'kidnap' them when she was at a show because she would have turned her dogs on me. She was ruthless, nasty and widely hated in the local area. In fact, I have never, ever heard anyone say anything nice about her and if you mention her name most people have their own story to tell and it usually involves a fair bit of swearing :rolleyes: