I actually just changed channel after seeing the despicable and frankly inappropriate behaviour of the 2 men from the hunt.
Hunting does not need this type of publicity which reinforces the public perception that it is only pissed toffs that hunt. I am actually embarassed watching it.
As one girl put it 'they are not fu**ing gentleman'. There is a time and a place for that behaviour and it is not on ITV!
ps. I am not slagging the hunt off, I do not know the hunt or any members and I am sure that they are a lovely bunch but the 2 men did not come across well IMO.
it wasnt the greatest moment i agree especially in the situation they are great members in a great hunt so i am a bit annoyed so far by the way they have been portrayed im sure more positive bits have been cut but thats tv i suppose
No, i agree it didn't do a great deal for the image of hunting. But please take it from someone who was there, this is only down to the film crew and editing!!
The guy who was doing the perveted whip cracking is NOTHING to do with the Zetland! As far as i know the film crew brought him in to liven things up, we had no idea who he was!! The other man is a very respected member of the hunt and he hardly said anything, i think he was just as embarrased!!
The girls were a good laugh and we had the maddest hunt tea i have ever been to.
Im not having a go at anyone, just want you to be aware how much of a set up that program is!
Brought in to crack my whip and liven things up! pay rubbish though as an extra... Ah! thats the tv industry for you then! good programe though and as for showing the hunt in a BAD light... NOT in the least it was a good programe..one of the best.and as for TEA! well.....
I can totally belive that the Hunt was totally stiched up by ITV - unfortunatley, TV seems to think that the only way to portray hunting is that its all sex and toffs!
Seriously though, at the moment, until the hunting act is repealled, I do think that Hunts should be very cautious of putting themselves in the situation where they can have TV edit them in this very unkind way.
FM, totally agree with you here- it portrayed the hunting folk as being rich toffs which is exactly what antis and others who neither know or understand think they are!! nothing wrong in having fun etc. but not to be televised in such a way. it hasn't helped hunting one bit!!
At least it showed that we know how to have fun and have a good social scene as well. My friends and I were in hysterics watching it - so it might not have been the glittering PR that some were expecting, but it was nowhere near as bad as it could have been.
You're absolutely right, FM. I haven't seen the programme, but it's predictable that ITV would have edited it because if the reality didn't live up to their preconceived ideas, then they'd make damn sure that their broadcast did.
The only time they've been taken to task was when the BBC edited a programme to show the Queen walking out in a huff when no such thing had occurred.