Recent content by AlisonG

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    Hi I don't have the time/money to ride much anymore and I certainly couldn't do my own horse justice. I wondered if any of you wanted some help for free at events. I'm a bit ring rusty but I'm sure I could still clean tack, call a dressage test, help with showjumps or getting a horse (and...
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    Rachel Hunt

    At Christmas I rediscovered a great book, 'Will to win', Rachel Hunts utobiography and it got me wondering, whateer happened to her? She looked like a brilliant rider yet I didn't hear anything at all from her in the 90's...
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    William Fox Pitt and Andrew Nicholson: Whats the story?

    [ QUOTE ] normally yes but William has made it very very very public in his recently released autobiography.... [/ QUOTE ] *whispers* I'm not sure I think that is a wise move... *runs from the WFP fans...*
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    William Fox Pitt and Andrew Nicholson: Whats the story?

    am I the only one who thinks that all this talk about people's private lives is a bad thing?!
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    Lessons in Box/Bath area

    Hey Do any of you know anywhere good where a five year old boy could learn to ride in the Bath/Box area. It's way out of the way I have ever ridden but a few of you seem to know the area. Any help much appreaciated, PM if you'd rather.. sometimes it is useful to know where NOT to go!) Thanks Ali
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    [ QUOTE ] Alison ive Protested alot about it, particularly the hunting ban. protested about alot of other things, sent petitions to the PM (only to have them ignored), joined the NFU, voted for anyone except labour, what else can your ordinary jo bloggs do without breaking the law? I'm a...
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    I was making a bit of a glib point! Seriously.. I wonder what you have ll done about it though. I'm not suggesting people haven't done anything but you know people complaining and not doing anything to make it better is one of my pet peeves. Clearly I don;t know enough about any of you to make...
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    [ QUOTE ] and if you try and discipline your kids or protect your property you are put in jail or court or both and the criminal gets 'compensation' crazy country and crazy system I'm staying here until the result of the next general election - if labour get in again I'm leaving this country...
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    Mens Breeches

    My OH had the same problem.. try the Tally Ho! range
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    [ QUOTE ] well unfortuantly we have been! and it hasnt been pretty!! so i wont apologise for sticking up for playboy earlier, she's a great friend of mine and the bullying antics of those 'adults' who advised us youngsters to go in the common room, was well, just disgusting troll twat...
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    Please can you not write in text speak and change your signature from all caps. I'm not saying this to be difficult I genuinely find it very hard to read as I am sure others will. I hope you find your old horse but don't you want as many people as possible to read about him. Stick everything in...
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    Beach riding

    Hi Anyone know anywhere good for beach riding where you can borrow horses in the South West/Wales? I would like the Midlands to be an option but clearly there be no beaches there. I'm looking to go next weekend (yes I know its last minute), cost not too much of a problem. OH is a big lad so...
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    Anyone able to help me with my Modern Studies essay? politics peeps

    [ QUOTE ] Ok thanks VIC i ahve lost my paper but the title is more of less as follws, does a country's goverment system reflect its electoral system and or its people and nations population thinking [/ QUOTE ] First off you need the title page - you won't get the same strength of argument...
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    Anyone got any ideas

    Hi I'm pretty new here and I wondered if anyone had any brainwaves about how I can get back involved with horses. (I hope this is in the right forum) I rode for about 10 years, but stopped when I went to uni (money, injury yadda sure you heard it all before) however I am really keen to get...
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    The veterinary route in no longer an option...

    I'm not sure what sort of journalism you do, but I place stories now rather than write them. I know a few journo's who have got in by finding one hell of a good story and then getting a job. Alternativly an increasing number here are coming in from PR jobs. You got a PGDip? Join the Cipr and...