Recent content by alisonpook

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    How much longer should I let this go on?

    Hi - hold on if you can...When my horse first started pergolide the vet suggested a six week window for improvement and he did need the whole six weeks. I questioned many a day in this time if I was doing the right thing but once over the initial laminitis he survived quite happily for another 5...
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    Update on Adrian. Can yucky 'bits' REALLY cause this behaviour???

    We had the problems with psd in the early 2000's when it was just becoming a diagnosis in its own right. We used up £3000 of insurance fees just getting a diagnosis. As the source of the problem was not clear he had two trips through the 'nuclear' body scanner....not cheap....and these did not...
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    Update on Adrian. Can yucky 'bits' REALLY cause this behaviour???

    I read your post the other night and could see great similarities with an old horse we had who started to have behavioural issues and not be quite forward or through.. still sound to the naked eye but just not quite right to the rider. Local vet tried but could not pinpoint and so we asked for a...
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    Puppy... If it comes to pergolide Her love of carrots could be your saving grace! I used to make an indent in a small piece of carrot with the hoofpick... push the pill in and feed...just check the floor for innocuous looking pink tablets after. Some random thoughts .... Some people have used...
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    I would recommend you look at TheMetabolicHorse site on .There is a tremendous depth of information on the site and you can post questions .
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    laminitis in a old horse

    Flash - I have sent you a PM - Regards EllieP
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    laminitis any experience?

    Are you still feeding haylage as this can be high in sugars. May be worth a read or post on the yahoo metabolic horse site.
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    boosting immune system in sick horse?(sorry long)

    Hi - may be worth a chat with Stephen (the vet) at Global Herbs. I had a very poorly horse with heart and lung issues back in January and rang for advice . He recommended several mixes including an immune booster.
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    Does anyone on here do transport as in a flat bed lorry?

    There is a haulier site on the internet where you can post loads and hauliers can reply. We used it to fetch a 1,000 boxes from France to Leicester! Sorry can't remember the name but a google search may help. Think we had to pay a small fee to join. May be worth a try if all else fails.
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    global herbs bute X- thoughts?

    I rang Global Herbs last week to order some Bute X but they have now changed the name to Alphabute as they have added a sweetener to it as they were getting reports some horses would not eat it readily. The new mix does actually taste very sweet and I am planning on ringing again to see what the...
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    boswellia instead of devils claw

    Hi - have been considering using Boswellia recently and believe it is derived from the frankincense family as is the incense that they waft round in churches. I have been using the Global Herbs Bute X which is based on Boswellia and have mixed it in with a little sugar beet and mint to disguise...
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    Really need some advice, bone scan again? Utterly lost (long).

    Hind Limb Suspensories do not respond well to field rest. It may be worth a pm to Jet-set and Star. They both have personal experience of bringing horses back to soundness with hind limb suspensory issues. Our horse had this injury nearly 10 years ago when the recommended treatment was box rest...
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    Yes I did... I will pm you over the weekend.
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    Any ideas on the recommended depth of sand for a turnout pen?

    I sometimes use a sand pen for restricted turnout for my Cushings horse but it now needs topping up with sand and I can't remember the ideal depth. I need this to work out the tons needed. Does anyone have any ideas. I was thinking around 4" to 6" compacted depth. Would this be about right?
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    Smelling like horse at work?

    They are so used to me in horsey clothes at work that if I go tottering in in high heels and clean clothes they get worried. One of the men even asked me to change back into my horsey shoes He just couldn't cope with the black leather high heeled boots and felt more comfortable when I was back...