Recent content by BlackK

  1. B

    Livery wanted near Market Bosworth, Leicestershire

    Hiya I am relocating shortly and near livery - anyone know of a good local yard with spaces? Ideally I need part livery or assisted DIY. A menage is required (floodlight if possible :)), all year turnout, etc Thanks Lucy
  2. B

    Help...should i move yards! I need help to make a decision!

    Thank you for your replies - its helped me make a decision. I am going to move, but not to the place I have been offered. I don't think that is right either and i will end up regretting it. My horse is not small and 16h of anxiety from being separated and galloping around a relatively small...
  3. B

    Help...should i move yards! I need help to make a decision!

    Thank you! be positive, the YO honestly isn't bothered by it. The yard is not her job as she works full time elsewhere - its a case of bare minimum to keep the yard going and if people are paying, they can stay no matter what. A lot of people have complained but nothing has been done and i...
  4. B

    Help...should i move yards! I need help to make a decision!

    So here is the story...My horse is extremely herd bound. He spent the first 8 years of his life in a 40 strong herd . Over the years, i have tried all sorts of livery. I tried him on livery in his own paddock, which was hell on earth. I ended up with a highly stressed bolshy horse. Paired him up...
  5. B

    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    This gets better, massive thumbs up for all the advice you've given :) 5acres for 2 horses, nice local hacking (it's done the road from my current yard) haaa! Owners live onsite and it's very secure. Will be nice to let the horses relax and be horses. Best empty the boot of the car!
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    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    Good advice thank you :) re my friend, to be honest, I have found myself walking on eggshells around her for a while now. She treats people awfully and it was only a matter of time before it was turned on me. And I'm not surprised if has! To be honest, I feel relief that the friendship is over...
  7. B

    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    Ah thank you all so much...I feel so much better about this now! Next mission is to find my own land....not a clue?! Been to see some today but he wants £20,000 an realistic is that?
  8. B

    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    Thank you so much to you all :) that's really made me feel confident I'm making the right decision! My ned doesn't really like work in any form so she is prob in her element! Going to view a field for sale this afternoon so fingers crossed it's ok! Bloody horse costs me a fortune is stress...
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    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    Thank you Rudders...I hope your injury isn't bad! Definately do not feel bad about this now! To be honest, the weather here has been shocking since Xmas so I doubt I "could" have ridden anyway!
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    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    Thanks andalucian - your right! We used to sit and chat for hours but now we don't speak - it's actually very sad as we were very good friends (or so I thought!). The horses now just look at us walking past each other not speaking and you can almost see them saying "oooh look at these...
  11. B

    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    Thank you Princess! That makes me feel better, isn't guilt over your horse the worst thing! I have a companion for her lined up - my friends son has gone to uni and his horse is being left so I'm taking him :) I feel sick driving to the yard at the mo...very grim :/
  12. B

    Turning adult horse away in winter?

    I have a nightmare livery situation going on at the moment and I've looked into a new yard but cannot find anything that suits which is near me. I've decided to take matters into my own hand and try and buy my own field. I've had enough of having my hobby ruined due to other people so I'm going...
  13. B

    Feel like giving up...anyone do this and regret it?

    Haaa how do I PM??
  14. B

    Feel like giving up...anyone do this and regret it?

    Ahhh thx guys! In a dream world, a lottery win would allow an at home equestrian facility with 40 acres and the best trainer money could buy :) Julesrules, I will PM you, thanks I don't think the argument can be fixed...I'm so tired of her. She has been kicked off various yards and she is...
  15. B

    Feel like giving up...anyone do this and regret it?

    Thank you spring arising. I'm in warwickshire and I've spent days looking but cannot find a thing!! I have my name down at a few yards but nothing is coming up. I hate to move as my horse is happy and I refuse to be bullied off but it's not a happy environment to be in :/