Recent content by Cakey Face

  1. C

    Feeling deflated

    No not lately, good point!
  2. C

    Feeling deflated

    Yes if I'm honest she's a bit more forward with others. I agree I could be slot fitter which could help. I may even have some lessons on her. Thanks
  3. C

    Feeling deflated

    No I really don't think it's that to be honest cos some days when she's feeling not so lazy she won't do it x
  4. C

    Feeling deflated

    Thinking out aloud so i would love any info on how people have got results with lazy/stubborn ponies. Long story short I have a 14hh big Gypsy Cob who is such a sweet mare and very safe, however she is very lazy/stubborn, shes taught my daughter to ride and really looked after her. In the...
  5. C

    Trickle feeding....Greedy feeder in 2 hours!

    Ive been feeding 2.5 % of my horses weight.
  6. C

    Trickle feeding....Greedy feeder in 2 hours!

    I was going to try a martsnets next.
  7. C

    Trickle feeding....Greedy feeder in 2 hours!

    She gets 2.5kg ratio including the grass? Would this be correct?
  8. C

    Trickle feeding....Greedy feeder in 2 hours!

    My Gypsy cob will be changing yards soon and staying in overnight. My main concern is her being without hay! She can finish a greedy feeder in 2 hours flat. Can anybody recommend other ways or a different type of net that has worked for their greedy cobs! Thanks
  9. C

    For those who miss riding...

    Thats funny! I love it :D All thats needed is to tie a hobby horse to the front! And a few wheelies for a naughty rearing horse just to make it more realistic!
  10. C

    Ankle pain, a new thing

    Thanks for the advice. Your right im thinking perhaps its the weather. Today was one of the colder days and it was bad today. Will try the ankle support. A BIG Thank You
  11. C

    Ankle pain, a new thing

    Hi, ive been having a lot of pain lately whilst riding. This is only happening on my left ankle but its awful. I cant put any weight down into my heels so i have even been losing my stirrup. Nothing has changed, same horse, same tack which has always been so comfortable for me. I get relief...
  12. C

    Controlling a canter?

    Thank you so much, that's fab advice as always. I dont have a school at my yard but I can hack down the road and hire the menage. I think I would really benefit from a canter in a controlled safe area. Shes very good with vocal commands too.
  13. C

    Controlling a canter?

    Did i mention shes 100 per cent Welsh Sec D !
  14. C

    Sure chose its timing

    Oh no! If only it happened befor christmas you could have put a wheelbarrow on your list. My wheelbarrow cost 15 quid in the sale , ok its not huge and i had a puncture. Bought the wheel at the same shop and it cost 15 quid exactly what i paid for the wheel barrow. Although i do like the sound...
  15. C

    Controlling a canter?

    Hi been thinking about this one all morning. My lovely Loan pony is very safe around the roads etc. im losing a bit of confidence when out hackinf for 2 reasons. 1. She no longer does a controlled canter. It is straight into full pelt mode. She doesnt bolt and only takes off when asked of her...