Recent content by carolineg

  1. C

    Yearling injured during professional training, should I claim?

    Thankyou to those of you who posted sensible opinions. I have decided to deal with it through my insurance company and will pay the excess. I am not an idiot and understand horses are horses, it was more a question of whose insurance should pay. I have no problem with the professional and...
  2. C

    Yearling injured during professional training, should I claim?

    I actually suggested we had a lunge line each to keep her straight and prevent the filly hurting the professional but the professional didn't want to. If we had had a lunge line each side as I had suggested, she wouldn't have been able to fall off the side as she did. I have never claimed off...
  3. C

    Yearling injured during professional training, should I claim?

    Hi guys, any help here really appreciated. My yearling was very difficult to loan so we got a registered IH associate in to help. First visit was great and really helped. We then had an issue with her leaping down the ramp and so I got this person out again to help. During the session she fell...
  4. C

    Hormonal mare, won't leave her yearling be! Help please!!

    Hi, thanks Spring Feather. I have 2 others apart from the mare and her yearling, mare was previously very attached to a pony mare we have so she can go back with her. I have arranged for the yearling to go and play with a friends pony for the summer so they should be separate for several months...
  5. C

    Hormonal mare, won't leave her yearling be! Help please!!

    Hi everyone. any advice really appreciated, I will be talking to my vet at length on Tuesday. My mare had a lovely filly foal last May, we tried to wean gradually and all was OK and they were stabled and turned out next to each other and both had other company. My mare had a really bad post foal...
  6. C

    Mare mood swing

    Hi, has the sight been checked in her other eye recently?
  7. C

    Possible wobblers or just age related? Help please :(

    Thankyou guys. It's so much harder when they're you're own. I know what I need to do. Just need to break it to my daughters who have grown up with him. We have some lovely memories though x
  8. C

    Possible wobblers or just age related? Help please :(

    Hi guys. I have vet coming in the day or so but would appreciate any experiences you can share. I have a 19 year old welsh b. He was diagnosed with cushings and EMS this year. Both blood levels were 'significant' according to my vet. We have battled with laminitis even though he was on very...
  9. C

    Which coats are the warmest for this winter?

    Thanks everyone :)
  10. C

    Which coats are the warmest for this winter?

    Hi everyone. My teenage daughter has asked for a new 'horsey' coat for chrimbo that will actually keep her warm. She loves the Mountain Horse majesty jacket but its over £210 and thats just too much :( We can go up to about £135. Any suggestions please...
  11. C

    Getting foal used to being on own...

    Rollin have you used this method of weaning before? It is very similar to what we are planning to do with our filly in December (end of May filly). She goes out in our small herd now, there are 5 altogether. We have noticed Mum is now being bit of a bully in the stable and may need to move...
  12. C

    Help! Our pony's rugs rub his withers!

    Hi everybody. We have an awesome 17 year old high withered hackney cross who is a competition driving pony and very much loved. He looks really well and, I confess, is slightly spoilt :) However we have major problems with his withers becoming bald due to rugs. At the moment he wears a Masta...
  13. C

    Anyone any thoughts on BUTET saddles?

    Thankyou, really useful info. We've been trying to find a saddle for my slim daughter's native 14hh. She does local level jumping and wants to do more cross country and maybe ODE. I don't think I'll ever persuade my daughter to sell her so we might as well invest in a good quality saddle. I...
  14. C

    Anyone any thoughts on BUTET saddles?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has come across Butet saddles? Very expensive but are they any good? :)
  15. C

    Help! Trying to find a saddle to fit our pony!!

    :confused: Where can I find a good quality second hand GP saddle for my daughters 14hh pony? I thought we would have no trouble - I have a decent budget and am prepared to travel a reasonable distance but need to try on our pony. So either leave money and have ability to return saddle or take...