Recent content by Glooc

  1. G

    Sacrifices you make for your horses

    When you say 'sanity' (I know it's toungue in cheek) are you referring to the stressfulness? Or the crazy things us horsepeople do? I'm just curious because I've never thought of horses as taking my sanity as much as restoring it!
  2. G

    Sacrifices you make for your horses

    What does OTTB mean??
  3. G

    Sacrifices you make for your horses

    Good for you zaminda. What do you do/are you going back to study?
  4. G

    Sacrifices you make for your horses

    Yep! and housework is soooo much less important in my opinion :-D
  5. G

    Sacrifices you make for your horses

    Ha yes! I'm with you here actually!!
  6. G

    Sacrifices you make for your horses

    So today I was ordering a few more extortionate grooming bits and bobs online and it occurred to me that I would never spend this money on myself - and that got me thinking about all the time, money, emotional effort and physical effort (and let me say 'time' a second time for good measure!!)...
  7. G

    Frog in hoof coming off - help?

    Really helpful! Thanks everyone!
  8. G

    Frog in hoof coming off - help?

    Yes this is what mines feet are like - it's grim but you reckon not unusual or harmful? Ive been avoiding the loose bits of frog because I'm worried it will make him sore if they come off but you think it's ok?
  9. G

    Frog in hoof coming off - help?

    Oh great thanks everyone this is reassuring! Farrier due in a week Or so and can double check but glad to know this is normal. No need to spray with antibacterial/fungal sprays then?
  10. G

    Frog in hoof coming off - help?

    Hi everyone, My horse is currently turned out 24/7 for the summer. It's been a very dry summer but we've had a little rain recently. The dryness has led to his hooves needing extra moisture (I use Kevin bacon hoof dressing inside and out) but I'm noticing now that the inside of his hoof is...
  11. G

    Men and riding....

    Yes so true! why do you think this is??
  12. G

    Men and riding....

    This is really interesting. I wonder why feeling out of control would put men off horses though? Do men like being in control more than women?
  13. G

    Men and riding....

    Thanks to everyone who has replied to this! It's been so interesting reading through your thoughts.. some of them matched my own musings - but you've all given me a load of new ideas about this too. And it's made me think more about the whole women-as-caregivers or 'mums' to their horses - so...
  14. G

    Men and riding....

    In my experience in the uk it seems like waaaaay more women and girls ride than men and boys... especially at the 'leisure riding' end of things. Just wondering why this is?!! Why do you think?
  15. G

    Best hacking in Northumberland?

    Hi everyone, I'm thinking of moving to Northumberland and I've heard the hacking up there is amazing... can anybody tell me where they think the best hacking is and I'd love to know why you think that (is it woodland, open land, off-road etc.?)... any ideas very welcomed! Oh and if you are at a...