Recent content by Laurab17

  1. Laurab17

    Tack shops Dorset?

    @camilla4 I don't know exactly where, I only have the postcode its BH22 0EY. @panseymouse lol, I don't thank god I'm only 18 but the student grant I hope to have in my bank a/c will be quickly demolished I know that for sure ha ha. @Dunlin Okay thanks a million will look that place up now.
  2. Laurab17

    Tack shops Dorset?

    Great thanks. Googled that Aivleys place and its only 16 mins away from the postcode I will be staying at so I will be making a trip down there. Will check out the other places online :D
  3. Laurab17

    What's on your Christmas shopping list?!

    Would love to get loads of small things for starting some ODE's next year, eventing boots, new riding clothes, new numnah, ect. Trying to convince OH to buy me some horsey stuff this year but don't think its going to work!
  4. Laurab17

    Who else is still not rugging?

    Millie is in all the time but only has a light fleece on her at the moment. I don't feel its cold enough inside for her to have a heavy rug on, she wont feel the heat of the heavy one in the real cold. She is never bothered by bad weather anyway.
  5. Laurab17

    What rugs are on your lovelies now?

    Mine is unclipped, in and has a light fleece on. Its not really cold enough for a heavier rug, she isn't ever cold when I go to her and she won't feel the heat of a heavy rug when it is properly cold.
  6. Laurab17

    Tack shops Dorset?

    Hi guys, I'm kind of new to this forum, so don't really know what I am doing. Just wondering if any of you know of any good tack shops where I can pick up a few bits in Dorset in the UK? I'm going there with OH in 3 weeks and we are staying with his family that live in Dorset, but we will...
  7. Laurab17

    Controversial topic

    Mine used to be done cold shod but our new farrier burns them on and then puts in the nails. I find they last 10 times longer, used to only get 5 weeks out of cold-shoes.
  8. Laurab17

    Jumping or dressage?

    I've done SJ for 12 years and started dressage last year. I prefer dressage now, I just love it, but I do both, some days dressage and some jumping. But as igglepop said, you cant jump good if you don't have a certain amount of dressage done, so it has to be done :D