Recent content by LaurenNutini

  1. L

    5"9 people what size horses do you ride?

    I'm 5"10 and my current share horse is a 16.1hh Traditional Cob.
  2. L

    Anyone else feel a bit lonely at their yard?

    I know what you mean OP. I am 23 and have just started sharing a new horse on a really quiet yard. I don't think I have yet seen another person on the yard. But I'm always on edge when I'm there because nobody has seen me before, so they probably wonder who the new girl is messing with one of...
  3. L

    Longtime Rider, First time Owner!

    She is gorgeous! I hope you have lots of fun with her.
  4. L

    The Search For A Sharer - And A Few Questions

    When I first viewed my now share horse he was out in the field. (It was summer and he was living out 24/7 so there were no jobs to do) so I brought him in and did everything with him. I would say let the potential sharer bring him in from the field, unrug him, groom him and tack him up. Then...
  5. L

    Horsey things you did as a child.......

    I got my dad to make some jumps and I would take my dog around the course (Obviously not riding him!) Pretending he was a pony - he was certainly big enough to be one!
  6. L

    Xmas Coblet :)

    He is absolutely gorgeous, certainly got me in the festive spirit!
  7. L

    Where are all of the reliable sharers?!?!

    I'm a sharer and I treat the horse as if he was my own. I also do his owners other horse on my days. I have to rely on lifts from my dad to and from the yard (I'm 18 and don't yet drive), so I do one morning a week and two evenings, though sometimes his owner will pick me up from my house for...
  8. L

    Showing it alone

    I've hacked to a localish show once, it was probably about an hour hack. I was riding alone but my part loan horses owner walked with us on foot and we had someone following us in the car with the grooming kit, etc. I actually only did an in hand show that day and we left the saddle in the car...
  9. L

    Horsey resolutions for 2014

    With my loan horse, Ride him a lot more often on my own, even if its a short hack around the village or a ride in the school. Start jumping lessons! And be more confident while jumping. Get him working better in the school (Focusing on me instead of spooking at anything and everything) and...
  10. L

    What should they learn at riding school?

    The first riding school I went to had the horse ready and waiting, all tacked up. Id ride and afterwards somebody would take the horse off me to untack, etc. We did hack sometimes. I did a few day courses there, where id groom the pony, tack/untack and ride a couple of times. The next riding...
  11. L

    How are those of you in the North this eve?

    The weather is awful - it's sleating/snowing/hail stoning and extremely windy. A few trees have blown down in the park and some lorries have crashed on the nearby motorway. The horses stayed in today and where glad of it! It was a nightmare getting home from uni, every single train was either...
  12. L

    Christmas Gift Ideas

    A hoodie/tee-shirt with her and her horses name on or a picture, a fancy name plate for the stable, personalised saddle cloth!
  13. L

    Finding a loan is so hard......

    Have you tried Preloved? I sometimes see horses and ponies on there for loan which can move yards (:
  14. L

    What kind of dogs do horsey people have???

    I have a Bullmastiff. People at my yard have Rotties, Huskies, Labs and little terriers!
  15. L

    You know you've been around horses too long when............

    I do this too! I find myself doing it then think... Wait what am I doing?! Also 'jump' over road markings when in the car!