Recent content by lhillman

  1. L


    hi there. I have just bought an irish sports horse stallion. he is four years old and has the temperament of an angel. I have other staliions and have the time and space for another. The thing is, i am thinking of gelding him. as i said, he is four years old and i am told he has covered mares...
  2. L

    Foalie Question

    I have a yearling who is just turned out with my geldings. His Mum is also with me but he is...erm...well mature in the undercarraige department. the gelding he is with is also big and playful but is gentle with my baby. It also does me a favour as he teaches the youngster manners (saves me...
  3. L


    hi. I have a few welsh horses. A section A stallion by Pendock Legend. a section D mare by Brenin Daffyd and her foal by Aplewyd Jedd. i love the welshies. I think they are all just so beautiful.
  4. L

    110 days

    thank you for your post. when the vet did the scan, he was positive she was pregnant. he found plenty of fluid in the uterus. he found the right ovary and right horn. he could not find the left ovary/horn and said that he could not reach far enough to touch the foal as it was being carried...
  5. L

    Am I being stupid here?

    hi. i see your reply to another post. my vet could not see the foal wen doing a scan as it was low. we believe she was between 9 and 10 months gone. he was sure she was in foal as she had lots of fluid in her uterus and the left horn was not visible as it was too low for him to reach. he took a...
  6. L

    110 days

    are blood test results reliable after 110 days of pregnancy? i was always led to believe that after 110 days, you could not use blood tests to see if a mare is in foal. help me!