Recent content by oakash

  1. O

    Going barefoot for the first time

    Paddy555 Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. The forum itself is fine, my problem is technical. I struggle to keep logged in, and when I do manage it, suddenly my password is rejected again and I have to change it - alright for a bit then "incorrect password or username" ( me: grrrr...WHICH?) and...
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    Going barefoot for the first time

    Can any of you barefooters recommend a good barefoot forum? I have struggled with Phoenix forum for a few days - it must be the most cumbersome forum to use ever! Thanks, Oakash
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    Barefoot horse forum

    Having spent some 3 or 4 days trying to get on, and stay on, Phoenix forum, I have given up. It seems to accept me one minute, changes passwords the next.... Does anyone know of some other good barefoot forum, please?
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    Middleton Hunt fox cubs

    This thread has made interesting reading. For me, whilst it seems unlikely that hunts would keep a barn full of foxes, if it IS true, then personally I would have no problem with that. I see hunting as the most natural way to control the fox population. It is a system perfectly at one with the...
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    Reactor panel saddles

    Yes,Jules, I second your comment. Have had my horse in an RP for some 9 years or so now. It is a great saddle spoiled by the crap and expensive service provided by the makers in the UK. I was hoping Carmi Weininger would take it over, but so far no luck. The other point to remember is that in...
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    Repeal Possible Without Scottish Labour MPs

    'Girls or horses but not both'..Alec, both for me, please..and can I take your share? As has been mentioned, campaigning has begun already, but I for one am against tactical voting.Vote for what you believe in.I happen to believe our independence from Europe is our first priority,let's get a...
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    Can we please do away with the term 'cubbing'?

    I have to agree that people use the language they wish to. What I find objectional is the way people increasingly refuse to accept we are rational and (reasonably) intelligent animals. History shows that too many of one species becomes a problem. All of us realised that mink and foxes need...
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    Help - I need a Hunting Quote

    Yup, all lovely quotes. To the poetry fans among readers, can anyone quote the text of the rhyme which has something of the lines: ' can chatter at the covert side, and kick a hound or two, or break the farmers fences, and gallop on his lawn, but never ever,ever kick the Master of the...
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    Opinions required regards saddle for hunting...

    Christmas Sparks: Having owned and ridden in a reactor Panel saddle for quite some years, I would have to refute anything you have said! Reactor Panels are in general terms, comfortable for both the rider and the horse: certainly, a six hour day hunting should cause no problem. However, if you...
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    Opinions required regards saddle for hunting...

    JenHunt, suggest you change your last sentence to read..'depends what works for your horse and you..' I would say, try a Reactor Panel saddle. More expensive than most, but is very adjustable for all shapes of horse and personally I find it excellent. Some legal difficulties with the American...
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    UKIP - are the party for repeal

    Well, I've enjoyed reading this forum; but I am a little surprised that no-one has mentioned the obvious truth behind the UKIP debate. It seems very unlikely that Labour would get into power again: lets face it, in broad terms the British public are surely not THAT stupid? What on earth makes...
  12. O

    Hunting prosecution-Weston & Banwell case collapses

    Yes, how relieved the Master at whom the prsecution was directed must be in the face of such harassment since Feb last year! I think it is about time that the police are instructed to run some of these so-called "monitors" in and charge them. It makes my blood boil to see such malicious...
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    Statutory requirement for Dogs/Hounds to be Microchipped by 6 April 2016

    May I suggest that this legislation is amended to include so-called 'Hunt monitors'? Perhaps an ear tag as well, yellow on the left ear with a number designating their area, and red for violent ones on the right ear, orange for those without a record, and green for useless ones
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    RSPCA originally formed by pro hunt Conservative MP

    SarahC, I come at this from a slightly different perspective. We all agree(probably) that cas4es such as Spindles farm were justified. But where hunting is concerned, those of us 'in touch' with wildlife and the natural world, KNOW that hunting is not 'cruel' in any real sense of the word. Many...
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    Parliamentary hunting debate print

    My pleasure! Sally Mitchell Fine Arts used to be his agent.