Recent content by Ruto

  1. Ruto

    Another Game..

    The awkward moment when the mud sucks your wellie off your foot and you're left hopping about like an idiot.
  2. Ruto

    What's your favourite breed?

    Ohh I've got to say my favourite would be the Holstein Warmblood horse. Favorite breed of pony would be the Connemara, though.:D Although, I love anything dun or grey too. :)
  3. Ruto

    Puppy and food question??

    Adult food has less nutrients than what puppy food does and puppies need those extra nutrients to develop and grow. I recommend you maybe give him some tough love. Your puppy might be trying his luck in order to getting what he wants so perhaps give him nothing but the puppy food he'll have no...
  4. Ruto

    Anyone Else Rather Sick of It?

    I would love nothing more to have my pony bitless. But tried it and it just didn't work for us! She also gets ridden in a grackle and sometimes flash, I'd rather have her with just a nose band but she knows how to evade the bit when she's not got her grackle/flash on therefor I end up with more...
  5. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    Indeed :D :D :D :D
  6. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    Once again, this is not what I mean by 'wrapped in cotton wool'.
  7. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    LOL. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D It's a sand arena.
  8. Ruto

    Quick Q - is my mare too old?!?!?!

    Well I wouldn't say 13 is too old at all. I know a lot older horses who're 20+ and still compete in jumping. But you're the owner and you'll know your horse best! If you feel she's not up to it then don't force her. But if she's sound and healthy then I don't see the problem! :) Also, putting...
  9. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    LOL, yes. :')
  10. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    Haha this is more the stuff I'm getting at. :)
  11. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    Okay first off, I do not neglect my horses. Again I NEVER said they're not checked on everyday. :S And again, I'm NOT trying to bash people who stable/rug/feed their horses! I used to stable my pony all the time until last year. By using the term 'cotton wool' horses, I'm more getting at the...
  12. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    I don't mind listening to other peoples opinions, I know I opened a debate but why does that mean people have to try and be nasty about it? You don't have to be nasty to swap opinions. Apparently Rocky's Mother does. :D
  13. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    Nice to know there's people on horse forums that sit up at one in the morning trying to bully people then try to justify it by their hipster term, 'trolling'. Hahahahaha. :D
  14. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    Not immoral for not agreeing with someone, I didn't say that at all. Immoral for forcing an irrelevant argument down someones throat.
  15. Ruto

    Cotton Wool Horses!

    It is indeed! It's just the majority of people I've came across are the most b*tchiest, back stabbing, bullies you could ever imagine. I don't suppose it's any different anywhere else. :) You've always got someone who's trying to one up you and such. Or someone who thinks they know better and...