Recent content by Sfb12

  1. S

    Mare in season 4 years after both ovaries removed!

    My mare had both her ovaries removed over 4 years ago, she has always had the odd light season which I have mentioned to a few vets, most dismiss it as behavioural but one or 2 say it isn't totally impossible. Getting the ovaries out was a huge improvement in her behaviour, she was downright...
  2. S

    Weird one

    My mare had her ovaries removed a few years ago and although she occasionally showed seasonal symptoms they never lasted long and it didn’t worry me too much and the vet wasn’t overly bothered either as her behaviour had changed drastically. Roll on to now! Got a new gelding and they are...
  3. S

    Ulcer supplements

    Minefield! I’m currently treating my horse with abler abguard, seems to be working, she’s now on 1/2 does and I’m going to talk to the vet today about keeping her on 1/4 does for an extra month or so as coming into winter their routine is going to change and won’t have the same amount...
  4. S

    Regumate and seasons

    How old is she, I've held off until this year in the hope mine grew out of the naughty behaviour
  5. S

    Regumate and seasons

    My mare started regumate 10 days ago, she was due to be in season over the weekend, although she didn't show she was in season she was very tense over her back and grumpy but not as bad as she normally is when in season. Is it common that they show some signs?