Recent content by Sgathach

  1. S

    Driving people - help with present

    I don't know how much her lessons cost but you could always sponsor a lesson or two for her as a present.
  2. S

    Horse Communicators

    I think that's a good point about cold readings, but what about those done over phone? The ones where a particular ailment or injury was picked up, that the vet later confirmed, stuff that was not on social media. The other thing that was with Anne Dee, when she was with my horse - my horse...
  3. S

    towing car - price/expense increase vs a smaller car

    that doesn't seem so bad looking at it that way. Well, current plan is to: a.) get trailer licence - no transport without licence b.) get trailer - no point in bigger car before having a reason to have it - a friend can bring trailer home c.) find best most economical affordable pulling car that...
  4. S

    towing car - price/expense increase vs a smaller car

    At the moment mainly 1 cob and a 2 wheel cart, I am saving up for a 4 wheelrr though which are heavier and would quite like a towing option of being able to take a friend along to a venue (minus the cart then). So either 2 horses or horse and cart would be what I would ideally like to be able to...
  5. S

    Horse Communicators

    Siennamiller, how did it go? And who did you use?
  6. S

    towing car - price/expense increase vs a smaller car

    My yaris is amazing for fuel, 30pounds fills the tank for a good 250 miles or more. I'll keep Sorento in mind then :) Miss Jessica, any rough idea how much more in fuel etc you are spending compared to before?
  7. S

    towing car - price/expense increase vs a smaller car

    I usually do between 200-250 every 8-9 days, maybe about 20 miles a day to calculate it carefully? that's to work and to the stables. Someone mentioned to get a small 3.5t lorry and use it as everyday car too - I'm not sure about this. I have some time before I've saved up to buy, but I like to...
  8. S

    towing car - price/expense increase vs a smaller car

    that's what I am thinking, I am driving a wee old yaris and he's cheap as chips....but he also makes noises and repairs may be due. You make a good point about repairs needed for 2 vehicles. I won't use transport very often, yet hiring a 3.5t for a weekend is 200 petrol...seems a...
  9. S

    towing car - price/expense increase vs a smaller car

    Thank you, this helps a lot, even 10 quid extra a month - more trips walking to the shops etc could work. Tax however will be a big I'm glad to hear isn't all that much more...may be possible after all :) Could I ask, did you go for a new(ish) big car or an older model? Thank you :)
  10. S

    Horse Communicators

    I had Anne Dee before and she was amazing. I know she does readings via phone as well, so I will try that in the near future and report back. I heard good reports about this as well. I know there are good and bad people everywhere but I believe Anne Dee is amazing.
  11. S

    towing car - price/expense increase vs a smaller car

    Hi everyone, I know there are lots of threads about which car is best for pulling etc...but to those only just making the jump to a bigger car, how much more expensive did you find it? Ie, if you've been driving a corsa/fiesta or so, then decided instead of getting a lorry, to get a bigger...
  12. S

    You know you have a spooky horse when.........

    Mine drops an inch when I sniff....everytime...until I do it ten times in a row, then she knows its me....until she forgets about 10mins later.
  13. S

    You know you have a spooky horse when.........

    I once walked up the field with all the horses grazing. The wee highland in the middle suddenly farted, spooking himself, with a sort of 'whoaaa whatwasthat?' kinda face, which in turn spooked the whole herd and by the time they looked over to the highland for what the matter was he was happily...
  14. S

    Breaking a pony to drive

    My advice is keep learning. I did it the bad and naive way; got a cheap harness, longreined, got a cheap cart, pulled that twice, horse was fine. Then realised how bad cart was the more I learned. Uneven, unbalanced, unsafe. Realised harness is cheap and plasticky. It will be a long time before...
  15. S

    Equestrian bloggers

    Its brilliant, the stories are amazing, many hours spent reading this blog from the start.