Recent content by tda

  1. T

    Ponies/small horses that can carry a taller rider?

    Full up or bit bigger Dales pony 😁
  2. T

    embarrassing moments

    Fell over the other day in quite deep mud, landed on my bottom so all fine, apart from i had to try and manoeuvre myself onto my knees and then actually get up😬🙄 Ponies glanced round but did not assist 🤣 No one around to see unless someone was watching thru binoculars from the other side of the...
  3. T

    I shouldn't laugh but.........

    Well done that man.....I'm sure the dog could probably have made its own way back eventually, but still, well done 😆
  4. T

    The new Shires Catalogue!

    I haven't ordered anything yet either, but I have also requested the Kramer catalogue
  5. T

    “Performance” Connemaras

    It's interesting, native ponies are supposed to be all Rounders, so to try and pigeonhole them as youngsters seems odd. A friend of mine had a connemara for her daughter, he was very "special" not an easy ride, stressy and didn't like being out in his small paddock for more than a couple of...
  6. T

    Round hay bale covers?

    There is a place near us that makes anything in any size waterproof covers, heavy duty stuff I bought a small car cover from Halfords to cover my carriage, about £30...
  7. T

    Done to death muddy legs.

    Pair of pliers to crush the dried mud lumps then brush out 😄
  8. T

    Haylage- storing

    As long as the bale bags have not been punctured I would be happy to leave stored for up to a year
  9. T

    Done to death muddy legs.

    Ours are a lot worse than that on some ponies. I'm going to try and clean some up today, tho the mud won't be drying up for a few weeks yet. Pig oil or similar, Hedgewitch or even mane and tail conditioner helps
  10. T

    Springy Second Weekend of March Plans

    I've actually been somewhere tonight, to see Peter Kay in Leeds, great fun and ridiculous and hilarious ending to the show. I think it was about 3 years since we booked it! Usual pony care this weekend, with hopefully a hack out Enjoy the sunshine everyone 😎
  11. T

    Backing 3/4yr olds

    Of course you do.! There must be a reason she doesn't like it 🙈
  12. T

    Ariat Telluride v Bareback Blair Boots

    I've worn Ariat Tellurides for years. They are different now, I've got 2 pairs and they are so uncomfortable, I'm selling them
  13. T

    Someone send me positive vibes before I have a full breakdown

    He could be just a little sore, spring grass is growing, he just had steroids. Sorry can't remember, was he shod before?
  14. T

    Field kept horses - do you have dry standing?

    I moved the hay feeder out into the hard-core yard so the ponies had a 6x3 m open fronted shed to sleep in (rubbermat and thin straw bed)...they go in, have a poo and go and sleep somewhere else 🙄
  15. T

    Do we undervalue skills in the horse world?

    Definitely agree