I shouldn't laugh but.........


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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This morning my husband took Barley (asbo rescue cocker) to our local deserted beach. I've been working very hard on Barley's recall for the last nearly 8 years, it's still hit and miss but this beach is great, cliffs on one side, seas the other, you just need to get the naughty ones back on the lead before you reach the broad/salt water lake at the end. Husband wasn't quick enough, Barley had lulled him into a false sense of security by being a paragon of virtue, Barley took off after the swans, but not being very brave didn't get too close. Apparently he swam up and down for 15 mins, totally ignoring husband who had to strip to his boxers and swim across the lake to retrieve the dog! (We go to this beach every few weeks, nothing like this has ever happened, although we usually have more dogs, not sure we'll ever be able to go there again, he assures me that it was deserted).

Husband assures me that he isn't going to take up wild swimming any time soon.

I haven't stopped laughing yet!


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Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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I don't believe that beautiful face would be capable of such a thing. Surely he just encouraged your husband to have a dip for the much needed health benefits?

The dog is very cute, NOT! He's a scheming trouble maker, quite bright and very opportunistic. His full name is Barleyyoulittlesh!t. I fostered him for Spaniel Aid, his write up was horrendous, he had his very own ASBO, a behaviourist had suggested that he was untrainable, he's a cocky little twonk. However he's also quite cute and loving, not a nasty bone in his body. He can't cope very well with the world, I've spent years trying to socialise him, he screams at unknown dogs (hence the deserted beach) can't take him to the pub or any social gatherings. He no longer barks at unknown people and I've got his dog bubble down to 5-10m. We live on a small farm so he's quite happy here with plenty of safe secure field space and a large garden and outings to the beach.

I felt that if he was rehomed that as soon as anyone found out what a terror he really was that he would be returned so I failed at fostering and kept him.